Sociocultural influences that affect a teenager




Virtual Society


Cognitive:Teenagers can get new informations or entertainment.But you can get bad things from it like cyber bullying or bad or wrong informations.

Socioemotional: Teenagers can comunicate with other people worldwide.

Physical: It's effect your brain to cause memmory lost faster, damage your neck and damage your eyes.

Cognitive: Develop learning ability for main subject in school. Student will have ability to working harder and learning harder subject

Socioemotional: Develop relationship and communication with friend and teacher.

Cognitive: The influence from parents can create the teenagers mindset. If the teenagers live in a house where theirs parents are fighting all the time, they will think that this is a normal thing.

Socioemotional: The socioemotional influence from the parents that began at birth shape the teenagers behaviors and attitiudes.

Cognitive: Friends can also affect teenagers mentallly by changing how they think. I we grow older the time that we spend with friends will also increase.

Physical: Friends can also influence others by making them gained interest of physical exercise.

Cognitive: If you grew up in a community that everyone is resposiple for their job and the society, there is a very high chance that you will be a good person.

Socioemotional: Develop the relationship with other people in the society.

Physical: Able to join sport club and develop ability in strength. They will able to play some of the sport they can't play since they are young.

Socioemotional: Friends can have lots of emotional and social effect. Good friends can make you have good socioemotional development.

Physical: Healthy diet of teenagers depend mostly on their parents.

Physical: The community that you live in such as the neighborhood can physically affect you alot. For example, if you are living in a place where everyone smoke, you lungs will be damage.


There are a lot of sociocultural influences that get affect after becoming a teenager. Some of sociocultural influences will change the lifestyle of some people. Sociocultural also divided into 5 topic; virtual society, friend, community, school, and family. In each topic also split into 3 points; physical, cognitive, and socioemotional.





