IV - 12 - Think about the ICCA Consortium 10 years from now. What are the most important things we will have accomplished together? (77 answers)
Resources to support the creation, defense, and management of ICCAs, including money 🚩
More resources to support the creation, defense, and management of ICCAs, including money. I believe communities and community-based organizations fundamentally need these two things if ICCAs are to spread and thrive, and survive, and it is the Consortium's job to be very concrete in helping their members and others in getting the needed support.
ICCAs are fully recognised and are secured 🚩
Mexico, Brazil will have more recognized territories
more institution for the Consortium/ strength as an organisation
clarity in the roles
Communities can better align with the Consortium coordination and referents in each countries.
Strengthen the political work
fields of work
Stronger intersections with climate and anti-extractives movements in response to a global geo-political swing to the right. (2)
ICCAs and the network gain in visibility
at the regional level
clearly define the services provided by the consortium to TICCAS in terms of training, documentation, information and exchange and the mechanisms for the delivery of these services.
at the Global, regional, national and local level - not only global! (13)
Defense (6)
Recognition not only from a territorial and environmental perspective but highlighting and achieving the defense of the underlying knowledge systems that inspire community cohesion and the relationship with the territory.
toward global legislation
recognition(toward legaliation) of the indigenous management systems and systems conservation of biodiversity and cultures (4)
To have an early warning system that would help all members to advocate together if a threat to one of the members arises
A world where the values of indigenous communities becomes a lived reality on the planet. (4) 🚩:
More gender perspective
consolidate national networks
consolidated mexican network
nature conservation discussions in the hands and with the voices of IPLC 🚩
Make the ICCA Consortium more known among the ICCAs themselves.
taking concrete and uncompromising steps towards the establishment of the solidarity fund for defenders of the commons and iccas (safe).
- Halted at the brink the destruction of the planet through the protection of territories of life and the violations against indigenous communities stopped.
- A world where the values of indigenous communities becomes a lived reality on the planet.
- The move away from competition to cooperation and the respect for nature and people.
more Members (2)
Indigenous and local communities rights would have been established All ecosystem diversions for destructive activities would have been stopped
Powerful storytelling archive and apparatus documenting and sharing why ToL are critical to everyone, everywhere.
greater and clearer role for communities
giving communities the hability to have access to media
Special work to link the guardians of sacred sites
without any need for paternalistic scientific or other external verification
including key new national laws and policies that support ICCAs, enable their legal creation and defense (**).
Strengthened protection for territories of life as No Go Areas for the extractive industries (4) with progress made at the CBD to make these protections binding.
Legitimate rights AND responsibilities are secured and recognized in more places
redefine "conservation" (in quantitative and qualitative terms.
increase tenure security
The Consortium plays its role to be a nexus for collaboration accross continents between individuals to safeguard territories of life, ranging from joint scientific publications to policy documents to national legislation reforms and many others 🚩
Indigenous peoples and local communities are recognized as key actors in conservation, their cultures and traditional practices valued, and their future and well-being assured.
including impacting other areas, such as urban areas
limit the sell of the land
improve the vision that external people have on traditions
mutual support and encouragement
highlight different ways in which everyone (beyond as well as within ICCAs and LCs/IPs) can achieve a more fair and just world
advocate for less fund to initiatives that may damage ICCAs
increase solidarity among local communities
improve intergenerational capacities
development of "an ICCA database"
Altogether, we should have mapped30 Million hectares of ICCAs
ICCAs are documented and secured
The ICCA Consortium is the synergy of action and impact