Chapter 1 : Introduction (Ain Najihah Binti Abdul Samad_57217119294)

Materials Science and Engineering

Material Science involves investigating the relationships that exist between structures and properties of materials.

Material Engineering involves the basis of structure-property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a set of properties.

Why study Materials Science and Engineering

To select the right materials to ensure the products has the right strength and ductility

Classification of Materials


Composed of 1 or more metallic elements and also nonmetallic elements


Denser that ceramics and polymers

Stiff and strong yet ductile

Resistant to fracture

Good electric and heat conductor

Some metals has magnetic properties


Compounds between metallic and nonmetallic elements


Stiff and strong

Typically very hard

Extreme brittleness

Highly susceptible to fracture

Newer ceramics has resistance to fracture

Insulative to heat and electricity

Resistance to high temperatures and harsh environment


Plastic and rubber materials


Not as stiff and strong as other metallic materials

Low density

Extremely ductile and pliable

Has tendency to soften or decompose

Low electric conductivity


Composed 2 or more individual materials from the other materials

Design to achieve a combination of properties that is not displayed by any single materials and incorporate the best characteristics of each components.



Relatively strong and stiff



Low density

Advanced Materials


Have electrical properties that are intermediate between electrical conductors and insulators

Extremely sensitive to the presence of concentration atoms


Components that implanted in human body

Must not produce toxic substances

Must compatible with human body tissues

Smart Materials

Materials that can sense the changes of environment and respond to it

Include some kind of sensor and an actuator

Types of materials for actuators

Shape-memory alloys

Piezoelectric ceramics

Magnetrostrictive materials



The dimensions is smaller in size than the basics types

Can be one of the 4 basic types

Considering for any deterioration of materials properties that may occur during operation

Consideration for the economics