IV - 9 - What are some of your favourite memories or moments with the ICCA Consortium in the past 10 years?
10 ] What do you think are the most important achievements of the ICCA Consortium in the past 10 years?
Building a strong network (28)
2007 - Pre-Consortium workshop in Kure Mountains in Turkey (2)
Visibility to ICCAs50
the Video and its impact (2)
the impact of the ICCA Consortium film on the QWB, and the admission of the QWB to the Consortium are important achievements in my point of view.
2014 - Global gatherings- in Sydney/Blue Mountains (4)
Advocacy - taking ICCAs and community conservation mainstream in key global conservation forums and monitoring bodies (39)
getting ICCAs established as a key category of monitoring conservation areas in UNEP,
shifting the IUCN focus on PAs to governance
9bis - Favourite "experiences"
Sense of the collective during meetings (7)
I think finding ways to capture, nurture, and amplify the spirit and energy of those gatherings, which above all depend on the diversity and motivation of the groups that the Consortium is able to bring together, is key
events related to encounter with people (3)
Strengthening of the Members
Sense that the broad group nourishes to the local issues (4)
2012- The joint Press Conferences beween ICCA member networks with the UNCBD i.e at Hyderabad, India (2)
2016 - The most powerful message The ICCA Consortium was its “march-rally” during the UNCBD COP at Mexico (4)
2013 World Indigenous Network Conference, Darwin, Australia (the largest IP conference ever held)
Exchange with peer organizations to share learnings, experience (2)
2019 - GA in Udaipur (6)
Dr. Farvar's training workshops -
including regional coordinators
2016 - Global E Alu Pu, Hawai'i
The first participation of representatives of TAFO MIHAAVO member communities in OEWG 2 in February 2020 in Rome
The sharing on the self-reinforcement process with Christian Chatelain
July 2018: The participation of members of the MIHARI network to the 2nd World Conference to Promote Conservation as well as the 2nd General Assembly of members with the Global Forest Coalition
National, local processes
2011, Planning retreat for the ICCA Consortium, Bali, (2)
2018, LATAM Regional Assembly in Fusagasuga - Colombia (4)
General Assembly Bishoftu, Ethiopia (6)
The first participation of representatives of TAFO MIHAAVO member communities in a GA
2019 III CAPLAC (4)
when we manage to get a collective visibility as a large and diverse global network, in international spaces (2)
when we manage to get a collective visibility as a large and diverse global network, in international spaces
2019 - LATAM Reg Assembly Peru (3)
how the ICCA movement has evolved in the DRC since 2012
Our best memories are the provincial information tours to inform the communities about the decision to belong to the registry, the hard work of women and young people and the willingness of all to undertake such a task
when we manage to get a collective visibility as a large and diverse global network, in international spaces (2016 CBD COP, 2019 III CAPLAC)
Many memories among which Solidarity in action for the rights of indigenous peoples, concern for work comes to the forefront, commitment without interest
People that are part of the Consortium (6)
. A taxi ride with Holly in Nairobi discussing how we support Defenders in Africa and how that became a reality in terms of the existence now of the Defenders Fund. Meeting incredible people like Ghanimat makes one feel energised and motivated.
meeting other Members (13)
Personally, it was to meet and share with the members of the consortium, particularly Taghi Grazia (4).
Memories are in the people - and we must remember and celebrate both those who have gone before us ('gone' in different ways, including Taghi, Ghanimat, Grazia) and those still with us - making sure to value and validate those still giving/contributing...
2019 - Armenia Workshop in June
the final evening with our late President Dr. Taghi, ICCA's GA in New York. Giovanni and I both were having a nice chat with Taghi and we both gave him a foot massage
how you managed, in such a short time, to bring together all these people and communities from all around the world (2)
Our first regional assembly, we felt welcome, and like in a family
community life, fruitful dialogues, sharing of knowledge, expression of opinions during my participation in the General Assembly
2016 - GA in Felipe Carillo Puerto (4)
launch of the regionalisation process
2011 - Formation of ICCA Network Nepal
Grazia's incredible energy
Emma's visit in Awa territory
The emails on the network, to share experiences of other members
2008 - IUCN WCC Barcelona
Dancing after an assembly, dancing to music played by brothers, enjoying a collective union where one could see trust, union for a common cause
senior ICCA members visit to my office and the Bolongfenyo community wildlife reserve in Gunjur west coast region the Gambia
and being able to bring this knowledge back to the community
2011 - Community Conservation in Europe— in Gerace - September
Meet with different leaders to learn about our work, eternal struggles, and realities
Distinction of members for their commitment and participation in the activities of the consortium
National meeting in Paraguay
establishment of WGII
2019 - Field visit of new ExCo & Secretariat to KRAPAVIS and Orans
it helped the member defining more objectively critical positions against the extractive policies of corporations and the complicity of states.
providing the platform for members to engage and share. **
South Asia regional Assembly
SSP (3)
2019 - Reg assembly in Canada
The mobilization of supporting partners, in particular the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP)
Strengthening ICCAs (7)
The publications (6)
Progress within the CBD (3)
The development of the Self strengthening processtext
The integration of the GSI initiative;
creating learning and peer learning opportunities / awareness of best of practices
The Consortium brought the voices of people to the front (6)
in the face of threats from corporations and the extractive policies of nation states.
Institutional (7)
capacity building of its coordinators and bodies, accountability with regular meetings of statutory bodies, a culture of internal consultation
To strengthen the self-esteem of indigenous communities and peoples in a situation of exclusion and marginalization.
"Now we are not alone anymore"
coming in a meeting with the name of the ICCA consortium has always been helpful and uplifting
in national policy (7)
policy briefs (3)
the regionalisation process
Work with clarity and forcefulness
the organisational culture **
it keeps getting stronger and bigger (5)
tre creation of new groups such as the youth group
keeping IPLC in the Council
The ICCA registry of WCMC, and inclusion of vulnerable territories in it (3)
That is respectful of cultures, knowledge and interests to conservation philosophy, plans and actions
permitting the installation of national ICCA Consortium
A network that permits networks
documenting ICCAs
July 2019: Sutej Hugu's visit in Madagascar