summary: In this paper, we underlined a potential flaw in common practices in compu-tational simulation: many modelers argue that their simulations make sensebecause they use plausible networks, but actually study the dynamics of theirmodels over specific samples of these plausible networks. We first identified threepossible problematics related to this fact: (i) the possiblelack of representativ-ity of a generator to the class of networksof interest, (ii) the possiblelack ofconclusiveness of simulations over a class of networksand (iii) thepossibility torefine the criteria of network choicefor reaching (more) conclusive results. Weformalized these problematics using the concept of criteria of network choice,spaces of networks and spaces of dynamics. We argued that the criteria fornetwork choice should not only be based on the plausibility of networks butshould also limit the space of plausible networks enough for simulation resultsto be conclusive.We proposed an experimental protocol to tackle these three problematics,and applied it to the space of small-world networks, and the two Watts-Strogatzand Barab ́asi-Albert networks that are often used in agent-based modelling (p. 22)