5.What is the school administration's directive for special education from your perspective as a teacher, aide, secretary, special assistant, or administrator?
As a special aide, Noe said that we should be able to see that the student understand what is expected of them and we should make it simple for them to answer the question and to enjoy answering them, that way they won’t be afraid to be in school.However, Superintendent Pat said we should Avoid early age referrals. Many struggling students are a result of not being ready for school and not necessarily a result of a learning disability. Interventions should be attempted by the classroom teacher and resource person before ever making a referral. Each building should have a process for handling struggling students, often called an RIT (response to intervention team).Counselor Heidi said Identify all students needing special services and get them the help they need.Principal Gary said if a student is struggling we have conversations and may have an IAT (team meeting which includes teachers, child, nurse, admin, counselors), we note areas of concern and develop a plan or some modifications to see if it helps. If they continue to struggle a parent or staff member will request for testing. Teacher Bobby said all students can learn, whether they're on an IEP for special education or not. We need to focus on helping each child individually and addressing their areas of need.