Careers P1-2 - "Identity Representation"



I used to reject the result that I got from this test, but over time I came to realize it was accurate, and I was actually rejecting it because of the stereotypes surrounding INFPs

INFPs are stereotyped as 'emotional cinnamon rolls'

That's not me. While my friends know me to be a caring person, I'm definitely not over-emotional. I may have the (F) Feeling trait instead of the (T) Thinking trait, but I and many other INFPs can be as analytical as we are emotional. I can be sensitive at times, but I am also intelligent, and for one to assume that I am any less intelligent than an INTP or any thinking type would be ignorant.

Side note: I've noticed that for an INFP I have a rather strong tendency toward the Thinking trait when I'm around people I'm less comfortable/open with. I suspect that I'm an INTP, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

The Assertive trait is something that I'm a bit unsure of. I am a perfectionist when it comes to some things, which is a (-T) Turbulent trait. But otherwise I seem to be (-A) Assertive around my peers. Hm.

Other side note: INTPs commonly mistype as Assertive INFPs

General Traits

















I express so much of myself through writing, it's kind of absurd. I love creative fiction, and creative non-fiction. I could probably find a hidden meaning in every single one of my character's backstories, though I have a lot of characters and that could take a while.

In particular, I express much of my really strong emotions through my writing. I tend not to write if I'm extremely overwhelmed with negative emotion, but otherwise my writing tends to be spread across a wide range of emotion.

Not including school work, around 85-90% of my writing is creative fiction. I'm going to link some of my works, but keep in mind that this is only a small handful; the majority of my creative fiction is incomplete.


I play a handful of video games semi-regularly.

Slime Rancher

Dead by Daylight

Hollow Knight


LoZ BotW

Don't Starve

I wouldn't really categorize myself as a 'gamer,' as I often play casually. But video games have at least partly shaped my childhood; I grew up with Minecraft, Scribblenauts, Mario Kart, and Mario Party.

There are lots of different types of writers. Personally, I don't entirely know what kind of writer I am, other than that I have plotting tendencies and I am extremely character-focused. I won't explain plotting here because that's a whole other can of worms, but I can and I will link character bios because... Character bios. Note that Jacob and Melina's bios are from a fantasy server where everyone has bird wings, and there's a whole slew of completely made-up government crap, so if something doesn't make sense that's why.

I have a Wattpad account where I very inconsistently post rants and rambles, and so far one one short story of mine, the one with Matthew and Richie in it.

Matt has a brother named Richard, who is eight years older than him. Richard is a character made by one of my friends, Misha. At first I'd canonically killed Matthew in an old roleplay server, and while Misha was making Richard I commented that he sounded like Matthew. When I realized how much I missed Matthew as a character, and that I technically didn't rp the scene where I killed him and just left everyone to assume that's what happened, it got me thinking. I decided that Matthew had faked his death to escape that situation, and is now a fugitive of US government. AND since I never really fleshed out his backstory, me and Misha were able to create one together for the boys, who we decided should be brothers.

Jacob is an adult in this Alternate Universe (AU), but there are some where he's a young adult and others where he's a teenager, and there are some really interesting differences in general behaviour and personality between AUs, and while I'd love to delve into them right now, I'm kind of just remembering that this is a careers assignment and I should be focusing on me. Jacob has a significant other, a character named Adder Drame made by my friend Iggy who is a freakin' genius (though in the AU that this bio is for they haven't actually worked through the romantic feelings and confessed yet)

Melina's childhood friend, Jamison, is another character belonging to Misha. He is an eccentric, sarcastic, touch-starved clocksmith.

Robbie is just a bean, I have no other comments.

Jayden is very hard for me to explain. Her entire personality seems to revolve around deep-seated trust issues, though there's more to it than that.

NOTE: You don't have to read all of the stuff I linked in the parts where I talk about writing, I know it's a lot. I got really carried away, especially since there's so much to talk about with my characters and my writing and why it's such a big part of my identity.

Forging my own identity and explaining myself is really uncomfortable for me. The reason why I put a bunch of my characters here is that this is how I explain myself, my emotions and my identity. Comparing and contrasting myself with my characters helps me explain me from a distance, so that I'm more able to be objective about it and that it feels a little safer in general.

Other OTHER side note, I still haven't ascertained whether trauma affects MBTI personality, so I might not be either of these types. I might be an extrovert for all I know! (Probably not.)

Note: I could go on several tangents about how great each of these games are, but I won't, because I need to finish this at some point.

Writing is my preferred medium, and it's super different from drawing. When you write, it's a lot easier to press ctrl+z or backspace when you make a mistake. When you draw, it's a lot harder to change your mistakes, so when I first started drawing I would just stare at the page like 'I want to draw but I'm afraid it won't be good.'

Which is kind of silly now that I think about it, because obviously your first work in any medium of art is going to be bad.
But once I got into it a little, practising sketching faces while listening to music in the evenings, trying to copy the figures of people on TV, it was easier to just let go and draw.