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ROADMAP 260 dias 30/mar - 14/dez - Coggle Diagram
260 dias
30/mar - 14/dez
Início da Jornada do Novo Humano
Início: 30 de março de 2020
Fim: 20 de maio de 2020
Raul e Kelly iniciaram a Jornada do Novo Humano
Organização Família Humanidade
Início: 21 de maio de 2020
Fim: 11 de julho de 2020
Base da Organização estabelecida
Propósito Principal Definido
12 participantes iniciais
Início dos pagamentos do plano de assinatura
Processos de Operação
Início: 12 de julho de 2020
Fim: 1 de setembro de 2020
Oportunidades de integração de novos participantes
Helton Parizotto
Geração 2000
Já nasceram conectados
Lucas Volpato
Eduardo Munhoz
Luís Felipe Vicentin
André Paixão
E outros...
Inscrição nos Programas de Inovação
Founder Institute
Definição do propósito do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciou em 26/jul —> Finalizar até 22/ago
Resultado Preliminar Fase 1 Centelha 18/ago
Estrutura Organizacional
Papéis e Responsabilidades
Roadmap / Cronograma
Entregas Macro
Integração Equipe e Entregas
(1/14) Founders: ORIENTATION 11/ago 18:30
Meet the cohort & learn the methodology
Opening Deliverables
Descrever ideias de negócio e os testes ou progresso realizados
One minute verbal pitch
Start with Founder’s one-sentence pitch template
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Site no ar
Quem somos nós
Biografias Pessoais
Landing Page / Captura de leads
Vídeo Institucional
Vídeo de Conteúdo
(2/14) Founders: VISION 12/ago 18:30
Define a strong business vision
Opening Deliverables
Catalogar ideias ou examinar diferentes variações
Initial Interviews
Entrevistar pelo menos 15 pessoas
Market Research
Coletar informações disponíveis e precisas sobre o mercado
E muito mais...
(3/14) Founders: CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT 19/ago 18:30
Analyze your customer feedback
Opening Deliverables
Customer Archetype
Landing Pages and Mailing List
E muito mais...
Customer Interviews
(4/14) Founders: REVENUE 26/ago 18:30
Validate a scalable revenue model
How to sustain our startup before receiving financing or revenue
Identify the most lucrative revenue source for our business
Test different revenue sources with our target customers
Opening Deliverables
Customer Problem
Based on our research, we’ll select one customer problem to pursue in the program that has the greatest chance to generate significant revenue
Revenue Models
Limitar em 3 modelos de receita em potencial
Analisar minuciosamente os pontos positivos e negativos de cada modelo
Professional Pitch Deck
Develop a professional three minute long pitch deck
E muito mais...
Definição do propósito do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciou em 26/jul —> Finalizar até 22/ago
Estabilização do desafio do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 23/ago —> Finalizar até 19/set
Início 13 dias do Espelho
25/jul a 6/ago
“O nosso propósito principal é refletir a ordem do infinito, revelando o paraíso na terra a partir do paraíso que habita permanentemente em cada um de nós.”
Fim 13 dias do Espelho
25/jul a 6/ago
“O nosso propósito principal é refletir a ordem do infinito, revelando o paraíso na terra a partir do paraíso que habita permanentemente em cada um de nós.”
Início 13 dias do Macaco
7/ago a 19/ago
Fim 13 dias do Macaco
7/ago a 19/ago
Início 13 dias da Semente
20/ago a 1/set
Fim 13 dias da Semente
20/ago a 1/set
Casa (espaço físico / nosso ambiente de trabalho)
Gestão de Dados
Como será construída a nossa narrativa?
Jornada do Agente de Transformação da Humanidade
Início: 24 de outubro de 2020
Fim: 14 de dezembro de 2020
Resultado Final Fase 2 Centelha 5/nov
Fase 3 Centelha: Submissão dos Projetos de Fomento
Início: 6/nov
Prazo final: 18/nov às 18h
Resultado Preliminar Fase 3 Centelha 3/dez
(13/14) Founder: EQUITY & FUNDING 28/out 18:30
Fix any impediments to fundraising
Mentors will analyze Founder pitches from the perspective of an investor, identifying any remaining issues or area for improvement
Mentor will also cover numerous topics related to fundraising, including different fundraising options, how to raise funding, and more
Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Minimum Victory Condition
Establish our “Victory Condition” to achieve before the “Impact Deadline” (3 months after the program ends), and add it to our business calendar
Advisor Strategy
Use of Proceeds
Examine the capital needs of the business
Extend our financial model to project revenues and expenses for a total of 24 months from now
Final Investor Pitch Deck
Refine our investor pitch deck, and update it with all of our work to date, including details from our various plans
Test the presentation on peers and Directors
Upload it to the FI site for review
Deal Room
Create a Deal Room for future investors that includes relevant files like ‘Company’ documents legal, ‘Pitch Deck’, ‘Team’ bios, ‘Board Materials’, ‘Financials’, ‘Sales’ information, ‘Marketing’ materials and ‘Intellectual Property’
Target List
At least
100 local angels
25 regional seed accelerators
50 global seed accelerators
E muito mais...
(14/14) Founder: FOUNDER SHOWCASE 04/nov 18:30
Celebrate & onboard to FI’s post-programs
Celebrate with our peers, friends and family
Select Mentors
Some Founders will also pitch to a live audience
Officially onboard to all of the post-program resources and assistance that Founder Institute provides
Definição da forma do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 18/out —> Finalizar até 14/nov
Comandar o propósito do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 15/nov —> Finalizar até 12/dez
Comandar o propósito do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 15/nov —> Finalizar até 12/dez
Início 13 dias da Lua
24/out a 5/nov
Água Universal
Fim 13 dias da Lua
24/out a 5/nov
Água Universal
Início 13 dias do Vento
6/nov a 18/nov
Fim 13 dias do Vento
6/nov a 18/nov
Início 13 dias da Águia
19/nov a 1/dez
Fim 13 dias da Águia
19/nov a 1/dez
Início 13 dias da Estrela
2/dez a 14/dez
Fim 13 dias da Estrela
2/dez a 14/dez
/entregas /saídas
Início: 2 de setembro de 2020
Fim: 23 de outubro de 2020
Resultado Final Fase 1 Centelha 15/set
Fase 2 Centelha: Submissão dos Projetos de Empreendimento
Início: 16/set
Prazo final: 28/set às 18h
Resultado Preliminar Fase 2 Centelha 15/out
(5/14) Founders: BRANDING & DESIGN 2/set 18:30
Get feedback on branding & design
Mentors will analyze your existing branding and design
How to develop an enduring brand and great user experiences
Opening Deliverables
Name Brainstorming
Use combinations of your naming words to develop a series of business names for the review of your peers and Directors
Name Research
Research the availability of the combined words as a domain name and list the ones that are most available
Competitor Branding
Analyze and compare the name and branding of at least 15 companies with a competing offering, in a related industry, or with a similar value proposition in a different industry
E muito mais...
(6/14) Founder: MENTOR IDEA REVIEW 9/set 18:30
Test the core business on a mentor panel
The first big checkpoint to determine our progress
We will present a longer presentation to a panel of Mentor for extensive review
We will receive a rating, as well as feedback on the long-term viablility of our offering, revenue model, growth strategy and more
Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Corporate Materials
Update our 3 minute pitch deck and video based on the Mentor Idea Review feedback
Develop a new and updated Executive Summary using FI's template
Advisor Candidates
Develop a target list of new advisor candidates
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Advisor Outreach
Leverage the FI network to get introductions to our targets
Sales Follow-up
Financial Model
Develop or professionalize your financial model based on our template that focuses on expenses (“burn”) to understand your cash needs
Develop a revenue forecast for 12-18 months and factor in timing considerations from your sales follow-up work
Identify your short to medium term legal needs, and if you don’t already have a law firm
Identify at least two local law candidates that have experience working with startups
(7/14) Founder: LEGAL & IP 16/set 18:30
Review our legal infrastructure
Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Legal Review
Capitalization Table
The ownership structure of the business
Finalize Co-Founder Legal
Equity Collective
Law Firm Engagement
E muito mais...
Corporate Formation Agreements
(8/14) Founder: GO-TO-MARKET & SCALE 23/set 18:30
Improve our strategy to lauch or scale
Unit economics
Customer acquisition
Marketing messaging
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Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Identify two alternative models (markets or “pivots”) for your go-to-market solution to discover the most lucrative market opportunity
Interview at least 2 customers for each alternative.
Avisor Follow-Up
Unit Economics
Test Marketing Messaging
Write at least three separate marketing messages for your solution
A/B test them using landing pages with at least 100 engagements each
Customer Acquisition Channels
Conversion Rate
E muito mais...
(9/14) Founder: PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 30/set 18:30
Get feedback on your product roadmap
Best practices in product management, roadmapping, managing product teams, and more.
Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Intellectual Property
Solution Goals
Definir 3 metas de solução que gostaríamos que o próximo lançamento do produto resolvesse para nossos clientes-alvo ao longo do próximo ano
E muito mais...
Project Team
Organize skills and roles needed to execute on our solution goals
Hotseat Pitch
Prepare a 5 minute presentation with sufficient information about our progress and plans
Product Roadmap
Meet our solution goals with our project team
Project Plan
(10/14) Founder: MENTOR PROGRESS REVIEW 7/out 18:30
Test our progress on a mentor panel
Founders will focus on give a long presentation their progress and traction to a panel of Mentor for detailed review
Evaluation based on our progress in the program, our company’s scalability, and more
Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Polished Investor Pitch Deck
Create an expanded, 12-slide pitch deck
Make progress on our growth goals
Examine or adjust how our strategy and the system to keep ourselves accountable is performing
E muito mais...
Make progress on our next product release
Hiring Needs
Score the progress of each member of our project on a 1 to 10 scale
Set up plans to improve
Finalize Advisory Board
Set up a one hour conference call with all of them
Financial Model Update
Adjust the revenue projections based on our growth thus far
Evaluate the need and requirements for external funding
(11/14) Founder: HIRING & ONBOARDING 14/out 18:30
Improve our team and hiring
How to identify the roles needed to build a world-class company
How to develop a strategy to recruit, onboard and retain the best people
Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Hiring Process
E muito mais...
Test Projects
Advisor Review
Time Allocation
Meticulously outline your “founder’s schedule” by allocating weekly blocks of time to address your core business activities, providing you with uninterrupted time to work on each activity
(Optional) Fundraising
(12/14) Founder: GROWTH 21/out 18:30
Establish a scalable engine for growth
Feedback on our current growth, metrics and strategy
Mentors will discuss various growth tactics, setting growth goals and milestones, communicating our startup’s growth progress and setbacks with stakeholders and advisors
Opening Epic Sprints with Deliverables
Growth Plan Update
Pursue aggressive goals to close new revenue or users, which may be signups, payments, a signed contract, a pre-payment or a signed letter of intent
Post-Program Onboarding
Growth Tactics
Brainstorm 15 new ideas to increase the top of our funnel, and provide a billeted list of these Growth Tactics
Hiring Channels
E muito mais...
Estabilização do desafio do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 23/ago —> Finalizar até 19/set
Ativação do serviço do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 20/set —> Finalizar até 17/out
Ativação do serviço do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 20/set —> Finalizar até 17/out
Definição da forma do ano (jul-2020 a jul/2021)
Iniciando em 18/out —> Finalizar até 14/nov
Início 13 dias da Terra
2/set a 14/set
Fim 13 dias da Terra
2/set a 14/set
Início 13 dias do Cachorro
15/set a 27/set
Fim 13 dias do Cachorro
15/set a 27/set
Início 13 dias da Noite
28/set a 10/out
Fim 13 dias da Noite
28/set a 10/out
Início 13 dias do Guerreiro
11/out a 23/out
Fim 13 dias do Guerreiro
11/out a 23/out