Its population is a melting pot that includes 62% mestizos, 14% Africans, 10% Spaniards, 5% mulattos and 5% Indians. The 7 indigenous ethnic groups that live in Panama are scattered throughout the territory, in very localized regions:
The Emberá live on the banks of the Chagres River, and the Wounaan inhabit the area of Darién, the impenetrable jungle that separates Panama from Colombia. Despite the distance, both ethnic groups share customs and clothing, loincloths or "paruma" for them, and colorful skirts and naked torso for them, as well as bracelets and necklaces made of silver coins.
As for the Panamanian Religion there are 85% Roman Catholics, 10% Evangelical Christians, 5% Others (Hebrews, Muslims, Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindus, Mormons)
The National Constitution states that "the profession of all religions is free, as well as the exercise of all cults, with no other limitation than respect for Christian morality and public order". Other religions such as Hinduism are also accepted, but this is not widely practiced in Panama.