Since coloniality and it's shine, modernity, seem to be the only path known to, and visible to most people in our communities, and hence, the current educational system that fuels it, the only option, I believe that a decolonial knowledge creation space needs to be a space where, first and foremost, alternative ways of living are explored. The knowledge creation needs to be in a context of
how to position and sustain these alternative (and sustainable, non-violent) ways of living in the world.
It's purpose would be to hospice and subscribe to the insights that define de Oliviera Andretti et al's definition of hospicing:
"Our definition of hospicing entails three different insights. One, that the modern global capitalist system is unsustainable, and that it is already collapsing. Two, that our current languages, identities and sense-making are inescapably historically connected to it. Three, that we need to be properly taught by the system’s successes and failures by facing its death and attending to its affliction rather than turning our back or attempting to murder it before it is ready to go. "