Ishtar journey to the underworld and ask the gatekeeper to let her in. The gatekeeper goes to Ereshkigal, the mistress of Earth, who is furious with Ishtar's arrival but lets the gatekeeper open the gates for Ishtar and treat her according to the ancient rites. At each door, seven in total, the gatekeeper strips Ishtar of her possessions. Her great crown, Ishtar's rings from her ear, the beads around her neck, the toggle-pins at her breast, the girdle of birth-stones around Ishtar's waist, the bangles on her wrists and ankles, and the pride garment of her body are all taken by the gatekeeper. As they pass through each door, Ishtar ask "Gatekeeper, why have you taken away the [article of clothing]?" The Gatekeeper vaguely answers, "Go in, my lady. Such are the rites of the Mistress of Earth." He later returns all of these possessions when Ishtar leaves the underworld