Aug 1st-International Organizations

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)

launched report in collaboration with

global anti-slavery org Walk Free

CW govt responses to modern slavery

and roadmap action to end it


Independent, International NGO of Human rights, non-partisan


HQ in New Delhi, office in London, Accra (Ghana)

Adherence to Universal Declaration of HR

CW harare principles

Internationally recog HR instruments

domestic legislation support HR in CW countries

Commonwealth of Nations

Political association of 54 members states

CW secretariat

Focuses on intergovernmental aspects

chief institutions of the org

CW foundation

focuses on non-governmental relation btw members states

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

promote and protect

human right around the world

47 members elected

staggered for 3 years

on regional group basis

HQ: Geneva, Swiz

Estd by UN General Assembly

Work closely

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

engages the UN´s special procedures


re-election for

one additional term

after must relinquish their seat

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Specialized agency of UN


Principles and techniques

international air navigation


safety and orderly growth

HQ: Canada

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Regulatory Body in India

dealing with safety issues

responsible for air transport services

enforcement of

civil air regulations

air safety

airworthiness standards


all regulatory function

with ICAO

Chicago Convention

Estd- ICAO

specialized agency of UN

Estd rules

airspace, aircraft registration, taxation

safety, security, and sustainability, and

details the rights of signatories

in relation to air travel


all member of UN

except Liechtenstein

Belt and Road Initiative

Global Infrastructure development strategy


road, sea and rail transportation

China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Infrastructure projects

modern transportation networks

numerous energy projects

Aim to create

alternative route to transport

oil and gas to china