Assess Enterprise Limitations :derelict_house_building:
AS The Power and The User (S1+S2A-PM) :red_cross::construction_worker::skin-tone-2:
I WANT TO assess enterprise limitation at any point during the solution life cycle
SO THAT I can determine factors external to solution restricting full value realization
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN THAT Implemented/Constructed Solution (external) :gear:,:mag_right:, :black_right_pointing_triangle_with_double_vertical_bar:
WHEN I use BAD DecisionS :banana: InRiRo POPBIeS WORLD :hibiscus:
GUIDED BY :fast_forward::twisted_rightwards_arrows::left_luggage::zap::dart:
THEN assess enterprise culture (deeply rooted beliefs, values and norms) to ensure 1. :!?: Stakeholder understand why
2. :+1: Stakeholder view as beneficial/supportive
3. :dolls: Whether culture change is required
THEN analyze stakeholder impact on 1. :gear: Functions (input, execution, output)
2. :earth_asia: Locations (disparate location >> can't realize value)
3. :thinking_face: Concerns (stakeholders issues, risks, concerns)
AND assess org structure changes to assess org structure impact
AND assess operations to see effective use/adaptation of enterprise 1. :scroll: policies and procedures
2. :muscle: capabilities and processes enabling other caps
3. :male-student: skill and training needs
4. :two_women_holding_hands: human resources practices
5. :biohazard_sign: risk tolerance and mgmt approaches
6. :computer: tools and technology supporting solution
:tada: Enterprise Limitation for :black_right_pointing_triangle_with_double_vertical_bar: :point_up: