TO Ex: She bought a goft to her brother whose birthday is today.

IN ORDER TO Ex: We needed to save money in order to get a new television.

SO THAT Ex: The teacher was speaking very slowly so that all the students could understand her.

SO AS TO Ex: My father got an extra job so as to make more money for my college tuition.


ALTHOUGH Ex: Although the weather was so cold, I went for a walk in the park.

EVEN THOUGH Ex: That man was drinking a beer, even though his doctor had told him to avoid alcoholic beverages.

THOUGH Ex: Though I didn't know exactly how to get there, I took the car and headed to Mike's office.

IN SPITE OF Ex: In spite of living in a big city and having busy lives, the managed to keep a healthy routine.

HOWEVER Ex: He couldn't afford that luxurious car, however he bought it.


BECAUSE Ex: Magan has a pretty good job in a big company because she speaks four langueges fluently.

FOR Ex: You were thirsty for you had been walking for hours.

AS Ex: As we were exhauted, we decided to stay home instead.

SINCE Ex: Since I can't have the trip the way I want it, I won't go anywhere.


WHEN Ex: When they heard the bell ring, they ran downstairs.

WHILE Ex: That doctor working while his colleagues were on vacation.

UNTIL Ex: Her mother won't help her until she talks only about the problem.

AS SOON AS Ex: As soon as we decide whatto do, we'll go to the bank and talk to the manager.

BY THE TIME Ex: By the time the play started, they had alredy been sitting in the theater for an hour.

WHENEVER Ex: There is always something new to be seen whenever we go to Paris.

FURTHERMORE(Além disso) Ex: The waiter had brought him the wrong soup; furthermore, there was a fly in it.

BY THE WAY(A propósito) Ex: That's Joe's sister. By the way, have you seen him lately?

HENCE(Consequentemente) Ex: Jennifer did not study; hence, she failed the test.

MEANWHILE(Enquanto isso) Ex: The cake was baking in the oven. Meanwhile, I washed the dishes.

NEVERTHELESS(Mesmo assim) Ex: Aaron made a poor grade on his mid term exam. He is determined, nevertheless, to get an A in the class.

THEREFOR(Portanto) Ex: Mary was tired after a long day at the office. Therefor, she immediately took a nap when she got home.

THUS(Assim que) Ex: The dogs stated barking; thus the huntsmen knew the fox was trapped.