Data Preparation

Logging The Data

Checking The Data For Accuracy

Developing A Database Structure

Set up a procedure for logging the information and keeping track until of it until you are ready to do a comprehensive data analysis

The data analyst should always be able to trace a result from a data analysis back to the original forms on which the data is collected

As soon as data is received you should screen it for accuracy

Are the responses legible/readable?, Are all important question answered?

The database structure is the manner in which you intend to store the data for the study so that it can be accessed in subsequent data analyses

Two option for storing data in computer - database programs and statistical programs

Entering The Data Into The Computer

To assure a high level of data accuracy, the analyst should use a procedure called double entry

In this procedure you enter the data once. Then, use a special program that allows you to enter the data a second time and checks each second entry against the firsy

Data Transformation

Once the data have been entered it is almost always necessary to transform the raw data into variables that are useable in the analyses

Missing values, Item reversals, Scale totals,and categories

The Process of Data Analysis

1) Data Cleaning

2) Initial Data Analysis

3) Main Data Analysis

Data are inspected, and erroneous data are - if necessary, preferable, and possibly corrected

Data cleaning can be done during the stage of data entry

During initial data analysis one refrains from any analysis that are aimed at answering the original research question

Quality of Data

Quality of Measurement

Should only be checked during the initial data analysis phase when this is not the focus or research question of the study

Confirmatory factor analysis and analysis of hemogeneity

Characteristics of Data Sample

Should be checked as early as possible

Different types of analyses: frequency counts, descriptive statistics, normality.

Basic statistics of important variables

Scatter plots



Aimed at answering the research question are performed as well as any other relevant analysis needed to write the first draft of the research report

Usually the approach is decided before data is collected