282,838 people live in the South Subregion (DANE projection for 2015), corresponding to 24.09% of the department's population. 58.85% of its inhabitants reside in rural areas. Its area corresponds to 21% of the departmental surface. Much of its territory belonged to the 3,000 km² Haciendade Laboyos, owned by Sabio Caldas and later by General José Hilario López. Its economy is based on the technical cultivation of coffee, traditional crops, commerce, crafts and tourism. Due to its geographical location, it has an active commercial exchange with the departments of Cauca, Putumayo and Caquetá. In this subregion are the largest colonies of Caucanos, Nariñenses and Caqueteños, which gives it a cosmopolitan air.
This subregion has tourist attractions such as the San Agustín archaeological park, the Cueva de los Guácharos national natural park, the Puracé natural national park, the Magdalena lagoon, the Magdalena Strait, the Colombian Massif, handicrafts, among other attractions, in addition lies the provincial capital, Pitalito, the second city in the department.