Special Organization (Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa), a secret paramilitary intelligence organization founded by Enver Pasha soon before the war on the model of Balkan paramilitary groups (especially the Bulgarian IMRO).57 The Special Organization not only undertook a major role in carrying out propaganda activities to attain support from Muslim populations in India, Russia, Iran, and Egypt for the Ottoman holy war (cihad), but also engaged in guerrilla warfare on major fronts throughout the war. The Special Organization also carried out operations to intimidate the local non-Muslim Ottoman population in Anatolia, particularly the Armenians, on the pretext that the organization acted as a counterinsurgency force against disloyal elements of the Armenian population, some of whom, after evading the draft or deserting the army, formed their own armed bands and voluntarily joined the Russian army. But this mission of the Special Organization took the form of direct abuses of, attacks on, and massacres of civilian Armenians during their forced migration in 1915.