Dream Map
I am in an extended family situation right now, and I am quite eager to transition into a home with just my daughter and her father. (2 year time limit)
The first thing I need to do is find a good nursing position. (2 months time limit)
I will continue to pay off derogatory marks on my credit to improve my chances of getting a good mortgage loan (ongoing)
I need to start physically looking in neighborhoods that I am interested in living in (I am currently looking)
I have already begun saving so the next step would be to continue to do that and not spend anymore money on frivolous things (ongoing time limit)
Next step, down payment! (1 year)
My most obvious goal is to obtain a career in a reputable hospital or private practice. (6 month time limit)
The first thing I need to do is pass Mod 4, HESI and NCLEX. Mod 4 is proving difficult because i'm over it. (2.5months time limit)
I have already begun skimming through positions, but I am going to start being a little more aggressive with my search (ongoing)
I need to research proper common knowledges and 'do's and dont's' of nursing interviewing (2 months time limit)
To accomplish this goal I would need to go back to school and obtain my RN. (1 year time limit)
I would also need to take the special classes to be able to work in the NICU such as CPR and disorders and diseases. (2 years time limit)
After working in the field for a while, I plan on going back to school to obtain my RN, I would really like to work in the NICU
I'm hoping spending all day around baby's will soothe my constant baby fever (1 year tie limit)
A bucket list trip to Egypt is a large goal for my family an I. It would be both beautiful and educational and it is some where I have always wanted to go (3 year time limit)
First thing i would need to do is start saving. I need to research the cost of tickets and would also need to look into where we would stay (3 years time limit)
I know that it is hot there but ideally we would need to research weather to ensure not going there and being roasted (1 month time limit)
I am also curious as to what types of foods are served there. (1 month time limit)
That would definitely need to be looked into, as my daughter and I can be picky
Marriage! I really had hoped that I would be married prior to having a baby. Life doesn't care about your plan though (2 year time limit)
Luckily I don't have a large to-do list. My main goal is wait patiently for the proposal. After, I would really like a destination wedding. Something small and intimate (2 years goal)
I have been looking at places and I really thick the Cayman Island would be beautiful. My mom's friend is an ordained minister already, so I know we wouldn't have to pull her leg to get her to come!
I would really like to celebrate my graduation in Hawaii with my honey bunny. We are so indecisive about a place, but deep down, I know it should be Hawaii.
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The first thing I need to do is find a resort that I want to visit. (1 week time limit)
Then I can place something on reserve ahead of time and score a decent price (1 month time limit)
The most important task, is retrieving the money from my honey bunny (1 month time limit)
The next task will be shopping for new outfits and bathing suits (imeediately)