How Technology and Media Have Affected Myself and Those Around Me (may choose to do something more specific)


Technology is a way to connect but it can also isolate us from one another

Mental health consequences of Advancements in Technology

Technology as a platform for social change

Positives of social media

Dating Apps

Possible loss of meaningful connections

Adapting during COVID-19

Social Media: Body image and mental health

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CCOVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter Movement

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But because of our social media we have been able to spread information so much faster and also educate tons of people on the issues at hand.

Without social media it would be a lot harder to get people to donate, sign petitions, or even just to raise awareness.

Technology can be used as a way to avoid awkward social situations.

I also liked what the author said about how just the act of us getting a message hooks us in to our phones

We share the same space but don't know anything about those around us unless we go start a conversation.

Sometimes people end up living through their devices.

we tend to live together but apart from the people around us.

I also think that it is important to recognize that technology is important to the advancement of our society

It gives a public voice to people that normally wouldn't have one

It's also a great platform for social change as we are seeing right now.

I think that the fact that we can use these apps to express ourselves and our beliefs allows people to experience more diversity than they may normally encounter.

It lets people learn about others without having to necessarily know them which exposes them to different types of people. It can be a platform for learning about the world and educating people on issues in other places

I think that by creating apps that focus completely on liking or disliking someone based on looks, we have created a potentially hurtful environment.

People in my age group don't seem to actually want to date. These apps are instead used mostly for hookups.

I think that by sharing my beliefs and experiences with this topic I may be able to relate to others with similar feelings.

I think it’s important to learn about the backgrounds and beliefs that lead others to their personal conclusions. I think it’s what makes the world so interesting and I like to learn from those people even if I don’t necessarily agree with them.

it is important to recognize that technology is important to the advancement of our society.

We are spending quite a lot of time on our technology.

We are no longer seeing classmates in person, so theres really no way to create any connections with those around us

People are stuck at home, which is causing a lot of depression.

We spend a lot of time building our online presences to show the "best" of us and I think a lot of people get lost. Especially right now when there is nothing to really do but be online and a lot of people are feeling like they don't have any control over their situation.

People seem to live in a different world online than they do in person.

We only post the happy things or the photo that make us look good or like everything is going our way

We are constantly bombarded with images of photoshopped women or just women that we may think of as beautiful or perfect

We end up endlessly comparing ourselves to something that isn't really attainable.

We tend to portray women as valuable when they look and dress a certain way and it can often make others doubt themselves and obsess over changing the way they look

This is another example of how social media can be used to either tear people down or build them up depending on how it is used.

No one wants to post the bad things or what makes them uncomfortable.

The fact that we are able to use social media as a platform for change should matter to others because it has allowed for movements to gain traction much faster.

It also allows people that want to get involved, a way to do so that doesn't require them to necessarily leave their homes

Right now I have a lot of ideas to write about. However, I may end up focusing my actual paper more on the mental health issues that I have seen and experience from the advancement of our technology. Then I will relate that back to our article.