Literacy Narrative: Genre Conventions
Instructions: Using the sources we have already discussed in class, try to list out the key "ingredients" of the literacy narrative genre. In other words, what must a work have to be considered a literacy narrative? As you add each quality, you can link one of the sources that you think really displays that quality well.
Instructions: Now it's your turn to add sources! As you work through the genre conventions, add in your own examples that you think qualify as literacy narratives. Link them to any one of the conventions that you think they display well, and then explain why you think they qualify as a literacy narrative (see my example).
Mary Brooks: A literacy narrative has to have somewhat connection of the topic
explain a personal "literacy" an individual has
Kimberly Jones:
Logic Full Song: Lyrics and song:
Samara Cuevas:
Must be an element of conflict
I think Apeshit is a literacy narrative because it is the Carter's way of explaining their experiences as very rich and very powerful black people who have to contend with and are still circumscribed by society's ideas of what is possible while Black and what it means to live while Black. Thus this is an expression of their personal literacy and an expression of the narrative they are projecting to the world.
Mary Brooks: need to know the who, what when, where, and why
Samara Cuevas:
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Use of personal experiences to help convey their knowledge of a topic to the reader
Rage Against The Machine have very diverse members in the band. Tom Morello who plays the guitar is black and white and experienced much racial prejudice since he was a child. The same with lead singer Zack De La Rocha. In this song they nto only describe their pain but the pain of others that has been caused by racism and police brutality.
ever person that is on this track has had there own battle with police brutality and racism. Denzel Curry's brother was actually killed by police. His brother had a heart condition, when they police tased him he died on sight. These is something that Denzel brings up constantly in his political songs.
Vince staples features on this track and delivers some very powerful lines on this song. Vince has witnessed many of his frineds be racilly profiled by police and others. I feel like this was his inspiration behind his lines.
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Samara C: In this song J. Cole uses very powerful lyrics to explain about how black women are looked down. Also, talks a lot about the racism and that is happening now and his experiences. Mentions some history in there too.
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The essays that have been posting about the death of George Floyd have had an impact on the community because of the information that was fully detailed and the aftermath of everything
Mary Brooks: Narratives also show/speaks the truths of their stories
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What a writer will do is you may not be able to fully understand the writing but if you read it with deep meaning you can truly understand from not only your point of view but also from theirs too
Nyssa- I think Swimming Pools is a literacy narrative because not only is it a universal piece but a song that told Kendrick's story growing up
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Mary brooks: every literacy narrative speaks its own truth
Elyza V. : a requirement is telling their story by showing what they experienced.
This is something I learned in women's lit that connects to different sides of a narrative one half it shows of being an African American, the other half would be being a woman a feminist if you put it together you get a african american woman.
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Elyza V. I say this example displays well because from the protest she was able to share her story by what everyone was feeling and what she felt.
Elyza V.: I believe this song is a literacy narrative because this song explains how tired of seeing innocent black men and women lives being taking away. Some words used are "tired of running", "shoot", and "chains". They are fighting and determine to have justice.
Elyza V.: I see this song as a literacy narrative because this song is reming men and women to stay strong through life. life isn't easy and everyone has their own preambles but things will get better soon.
Elyza V: I believe this song explain how we want to fight for justice " a winner don't quit on itself". also a reminder to stay united.
Elyza V. this song is very old and not really known but its a true story of a young girl life who's been abused and got pregnant but she's a teenager feeling alone. so many teens go through a tough life feeling alone. I'm not able to relate but other teenage girl probably can.
Elyza V. this song is about biggie life what he experienced in his life what he had to do go from the bottom to the top.
Elyza v. this is Eminem life about how it started, with his daughter. he shared his feelings to her in this song. it wasn't easy at first and even though he wasn't there all time he makes sure he put his daughter is always first.
J.Cole's Ville Mentality qualifies as a literacy narrative. In the track Cole shows off his cultural literacy by rapping through the lens of a Black father in America who lives in a predominantly black community. He's able to give a specific example of how the mentality many people have in Black communities is harmful, especially to children.
Super Rich Kids is a literacy narrative as the track consists of Frank Ocean's character recounting his day as a super-rich kid. He also raps about the problems that super-rich kids face: not having enough interactions with their parents, rampant drug and alcohol use, and the inability to have meaningful relationships with other people.
Diddy Bop is a really simple literacy narrative. Noname is recounting specific stories from her childhood growing up in Chicago to show her cultural literacy on what the life of black youths in Chicago look like.
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In FEAR Kendrick raps on the constant fear that he's dealt with in his life from the age of seven to twenty-seven. He shows how his fear has evolved, and how he went from constantly fearing death as a black seventeen-year-old to fearing going back to Section 8 housing. Kendrick really does show the experience that many black people have in America: A constant fear of death from what seems like a million external forces, the desire to escape poverty, the constant fear of being put back in poverty, the fear that you aren't meant to find success, and that if you are successful you'll be dragged back down. All these fears compound to create a long-lasting negative effect on black people, which Kendrick discusses on the track
Mary Brooks: a literacy narrative has an introduction and a conclusion
In the beginning, it may start off as a movie opening an that is okay because it gives it a cinematic effect and event shows a few little clips from movies you'll recognize but even though the speech is from a while ago it still has a powerful effect even in today's society don't only listen with your ears but also pay attention.
Nooreen Q: Most literacy narratives include someone's cultural heritage. For example; the short film Boa, shares the mother's experience as mother and celebrates Chinese cuisine.
This a literary narrative because Macklemore explores his privilege and the experience that he has had being a white man and his realization that his experiences taught him to recognize racism. He shares that the experience taught him what performative activism can look like.
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Nooreen Q: Hasan Minhaj shares his experience with anti-blackness in the indian/desi community. It is literary narrative because he shares his own experiences and conflicts with being desi and anti-blackness in the desi/indian community
Nooreen Q: This is a literary narrative because she explains her experiences as a woman with bipolar disorder and all the fears and anxieties it comes with. She describes her internal conflict; knowing her own identity and the struggles she continues to have
Nooreen Q.: This is a literary narrative because she shares how her identities such as being a Ghanaian-British woman have created her version of the truth