Special Education Process Flowchart - Town School for Boys

Alexander Calhoun ❤

Beginning of school year math assessment

At or above grade level performance on the assessment.

Student stays in general education classroom ✅

Beginning of school year writing assessment

At or above grade level performance on the assessment.

Student stays in general education classroom ✅

Beginning of school year reading assessment

At or above grade level performance on the assessment.

Stay in general education classroom ✅

Below grade level performance on the assessment.

Classroom teachers, learning specialist, lower school head meet to discuss student and their needs.

Same group from the school meets with parents to discuss assessment and individualized education plan (no student participation in this meeting for K through 4th grade students).

Discuss education plan as a group - parents and teachers. Defined desired outcome. Define specific supports to provide and schedule of support time.

Daily, during reading class, student is 'pulled out' to work in a small group (three maximum). Learning specialists assists the student in the Zone of Proximal Development.

Periodic reassessment to gauge progress. ♻

Communicate with parents about progress.

Student continues to need individualized support. ⚠

Student is performing at grade-level.

Continue individualized instruction plan. ⚠ ✅

Team and parents meet to discuss plan going forward. Assuming the student is progressing well, the team and parents may agree to bring the student back to the general classroom.

Student returns to classroom with the general population.

Continue to monitor and periodic reassess. If student begins to fall behind, team meets again to discuss and formulate a plan prior to meeting with parents. ♻

Team and parents meet. Decide student should return to special education instruction: Student continues to need individualized support. ⚠

Team and parents meet. Decide student should stay in the general classroom with in-classroom specific support.

Student stays in general education classroom. ✅

Return student to individualized instruction plan. ⚠

Periodic assessment to gauge progress. ♻

Periodic assessment to gauge progress. ✅