Intercultural Intercultural Competence(IC)

Intercultural communicative competence(ICC)interculturalidad1

Refers to the ability to meet and engage successfully with people of another social group. Relacionarse (Chan, Bhatt, Nagami & Walker,2015, p.38)

The relationship between cultur and language is crucial. 155382_orig

Someone who is engaged in intercultural communication where there are different languages involved need to be interculturally competent(IC) and have communicative competence (ICC), and the latter includes the former. (Chan et al., 2015, p.39) banderas_manos_internacional

Allows people to interact with others from different languages. comuinter

Allows people to interact with others from the same language IMAGEN-16471837-2

Intercultural understanding and ethnocultural empathy allow people to have a good communication process. Communicationinterculturelle

The development of IC is the responsibility of all educators whether in schools, universities or non-formal education’, and may be called intercultural education.(Chan, Bhatt, Nagami & Walker,2015, p.38) 902982

Language is here not a problem; they speak the same language or varieties of the same language and have
few or no linguistic comprehension problems. (Chan, Bhatt, Nagami & Walker,2015, p.38) unnamed (1)

Teachers of foreign languages need intercultural sensitivity and competence, but they also need to make this the focus of their lessons.(Chan, Bhatt, Nagami & Walker,2015, p.39) 1553009040_676051_1553017221_noticia_normal

Thus, by combining the teaching of (IC) with teaching communicative competence, the foreign language teacher teaches (ICC). (Chan, Bhatt, Nagami & Walker,2015, p.39) speaking-and-listening

In many cases, the groups have different languages as well as cultures and (ICC) is an important enabling factor. Language teaching is therefore part of a wider social process of creating respect and harmony, and cooperative action. (Chan, Bhatt, Nagami & Walker,2015, p.40) iStock_000064782773_Small

Intercultural understanding culturas

Is defined as people´s ability to understand, appreciate, and be open to various aspects and forms of cultural and social diversity (L: Oxford, Rebecca & Gkonu, Christina (2018), p.408).260px-Cultura_variada

unnamed Ethnocultural empathy

It involves an emotional response that is congruent with the perceived welfare of the individuals; we feel their feelings and care about them. (L. Oxford, Rebecca & Gkonou, Christina (2018), p.408). empatia1-e1537291446978

It involves the ability to walk in another's shoes or "feel with" a person quite diferent from oneself. (L. Oxford, Rebecca & Gkonou, Christina (2018), p.408). 1142-800x533

Refers to the ability to understand the feelings of individuals who are ethnically and/or culturally different from oneself (L. Oxford, Rebecca & Gkonou, Christina (2018), p.408). 4076364_orig

It is to understand other cultures more deeply. Captura-de-pantalla-2018-01-24-a-las-11.55.15-1080x582

It refers to respecting the differences between languages ​​and cultures of the entire educational community. diferencia-cultural

Lack of intercultural understanding can lead to many types of violence in educational institutions. big_thumb