Identifying and Helping Struggling Students in My Classroom -
Dana Jeon
Step 1: Get to know your students
Step 2: Create a safe environment
Step 3: Observe the students' behaviors and academic performance
Step 4: Differentiate Instructions and have fun in class!
Look for their strengths and
weakensses; Do not limit their ability
Find out what they are best at!
What are their interests?
How do they communicate with the teacher and peers?
Encourage the students to accept all forms of communication
Teach students to respect each other
More one-on-one conversations during breaks
Have a meeting with a counselor and the parents when needed
Work with the parents and the counselors to help the struggling students.
Offer proper resources for them in class
Do not limit their ability to express themselves
Use all forms of communication to deliver the lesson
Use all forms of communication to evaluate what they have learned!