Establishment of pakistan
Pakistani objectives resolution 1949
Salient features of constitution of 1956
Basic Democratic System 1959
Salient Features of Constitution of 1962
Regime of General Yahya Khan
Causes of Separation of East Pakistan
Main Aspects of Economic Reforms
Salient Features of Constitution of 1973
Major Aspects of the Islamization Process During 1977 – 1988
The Era of Government of Muhammad Khan Junejo
Afghan Jihad
The Third Era of Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif & PML(N) Govt.
14th august 1947. had 2 arts. first governor genral of pakistan =quada azam. Provisional constiution was adopted with modificaltion in indian acit of 1935. federal system was launced according to this constituion. Liaquat ali khan first prime minister he got objectives resolution passed form the assembly and established a basic principle comitee to draw the new constitution
March 12, the constient assembly adopted a resolution moved by the prime minister.important for formulation of constitution
Mian points are
- Sovereignty
- Islamic Legislation
- Federal Government
- Fundamental Rights
- Development of Backward Areas
- Protection of Minorities
- Independence of Judiciary
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- Written Constitution
- Flexible Constitution
- Federal Constitution
- Parliamentary System
- Unicameral Legislature
- Independence of Judiciary
- Single Citizenship
- Fundamental Rights
- Official Language
- Islamic Provisions
- Constitutional Institutions
General Muhammad Ayub Khan deposed Iskander Mirza in October 1958. He imposed Martial Law.
During the period of Ayub Khan, the war between Pakistan and India started in 1965. fatima jinna took part in practical politics and contested election against him he rules for 10 years
In 1959, the then President introduced a new system of Basic Democracies
- Union Council & Union Committee
- Tehsil (Sub-district) Council and Thana Council
- District Council
- Divisional Council
- Provincial Advisory Council (PAC
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- Written Constitution
- Federal Constitution
- Presidential Constitution
- Rigid Constitution
- Unicameral Legislature
- Single Citizenship
- Fundamental Rights
- Islamic Provisions
- Islamic Advisory Council
- National Languages
- Indirect Democracy
first genral elections of pakistan helf in 1970.
In December 1971, East Pakistan was separated and became a new country
named Bangladesh
- Ayub Khan’s Dictatorial Era
- Lack of National Leadership
- Poor Economic Condition
- Negative Role of Hindu Teachers
- Issue of Bengali Language
- Provincial Prejudices
- Territorial Politics of the Politicians
- Conspiracies of Big Powers
- Six Points Formula of Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman
- Bhutto – Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Differences
- Success of Regional Parties
- Military Action
- Hijacking of Ganga Aeroplane
- India’s Military Interference
chair man of ppp zulfiqar ali bhutto fbecame president of pakistan on 20th december 1971. he brought constitution of 1973 which unianmmously approved and started nuclear programme
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- Nationalization of Industries
- Nationalization of Banks and Insurance Companies
- Land Reforms
- Agricultural Reform
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- Preamble
- Written Constitution
- Federal Constitution
- Semi-Rigid Constitution
- National Language
- Islamic Constitution
- Independent Judiciary
- Parliamentary Constitution
- Constitutional Institutions
- Bicameral Legislature
- Fundamental Rights
On 5th July 1977, General Zia-ul-Haq overthrew the Bhutto’s government and declared martial law. He
ruled over the country for about 11 years from July 1977 to August 1988.
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- Shariah Courts
- Shariat Ordinance
- Zakat and Usher Ordinance
- Abolition of Interest
- Islamiat and Pakistan Studies as Compulsory Subjects
- Prayer arrangements
- Ehtram-e-Ramzan Ordinance
- Establishing Religious Schools (Madrassas)
- Compulsory study of Arabic
In 1985, General Zia-ul-Haq amended 1973 Constitution from parliamentary system to presidential system General Zia-ul-Haq become the president for the next five years, and Muhammad Khan Junejo became the prime minister
Lifting up Martial Law
Muhammad Khan Junjo as President of the Muslim League
Foreign Tour
Development programme of Muhammad Khan Junejo’s Government
Ojrhi Camp Disaster
The Dismissal of the Junejo Government
The invasion by Russian forces into Afghanistan in 1979 created a new challenge for Pakistan. General
Zia-ul-Haq stood against the intervention of the Russian forces in Afghanistan.
- The beginning of jihad
- Geneva Accord
- The Impact on Pakistani Society
First Government Era of Benazir Bhutto
General Elections were held in 1988, and the leader of Pakistan People’s Party, Benazir Bhutto was elected But this government remained for one and half year . year, when the President Ghulam Ishaq Khan using the powers under Section 58-2-B of the constitution. dismissed the Benazir Bhutto’s government and dissolved the assembly
Important events
The dissolution of the Balochistan Assembly
Presidential Election
Pakistan rejoins Commonwealth
Foreign Policy
Social Welfare
The Dismissal of Benazir Bhutto’s Government
elected as PM in 1990 election only remained for 2.5 years. when President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dissolved the assembly
and dismissed government by using the section 58-2-B
Important events
Announcement of Agricultural Policy
Privatization Commission
Agreement among provinces on water distribution
Baitul Maal
Foreign Policy
National Plans
The dismissal of Nawaz Sharif’s Government
Second Government Era of Benazir Bhutto
oct 1993 PM . but this government remained for three years, when President Farooq Ahmed dismissed the
government and dissolved the assembly by using the section 58-2-B.
Importsant events
Development programmes
Plans for farmers and women
Eighth 5-year plan
Foreign visits and the Kashmir Issue
NWFP Assembly was dissolved
Dismissal of Benazir Bhutto’s Governmen
Second Government Era of Nawaz Sharif
New elections Pm on feb 1997. 12th October 1999, General Parvez Musharaf removed the democratic government
of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and took over the country
Important events
The resignations of Justice Sajjad Ali Shah and President Farooq Ahmed Khan Laghari
Justice (Retd) Rafiq Tarar elected as President
‘Retire debt, adorn the country’ scheme
Rights of vote to Pakistanis abroad
Restriction on floor crossing
Census of 1998
The announcement of an education policy
Lahore Islamabad Motorway
The repeal of clause 58-2-B from the 1973 Constitution
Atomic blasts (Pakistan as Nuclear Power)
Lahore Declaration
The entry of army into WAPDA
Kargil Invasion
The removal of Nawaz Sharif Government
The Era of General Pervez Musharraf:
suspended the constitution, overthrew the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and dissolved the national and provincial ASSEMBLIES
IMP events
Devolution Plan, 2000
War on Terrorism
National Referendum, 2002
Presidential Election, October 2007
National Re-Conciliation Order
Benazir Returns to Pakistan
Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO), 2007
Imposition of Emergency
Impacts of emergency on Economy
Elections 2008
Death of Benazir Bhutto
The Era of President Asif Ali Zardari & PPP Government
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Long March
Terrorism and Military Operations (Rah-e-Rast, Rah-e-Nijat, Malakand)
18th Constitutional Amendment
Elections 2013
The Third Era of Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif & PML(N) Govt.
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Operation Zarb-e-Azab
PTI’s Azadi March, PAT’s Inqilaab March
Electoral Reforms
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
Rising Economic Growth
Imprisonment of Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi as New Prime Minister
Elections 2018
The Naya Pakistan of Prime Minister Imran Khan
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NAB Role
Corruption Scandals
Taxations Reforms