Candidate Didn't Match
Candidate Match
Candidate Profile Enhancement
Job Application Created
Recruiter has credits
Recruiter has credits
Recruiter had No credits
Request Call Back.
No Feedback give by the candidate
Matched Candidates
Un_matched Candidates
Notify Recruiter to purchase SLA
Candidate profile enhancement
Recruiter has best matched candidates but has no credits, Communication of purchase..
Case 1 : Notify Request Call back through proper communication-Recruiter Driven action.
Case 2 : Make Candidate Call feedback mandatory-Candidate Driven action.
Case 3: Nug Recruiter to buy SLA on its active Job Post and hire active candidates-Recruiter Driven action.
candidate applies for the Job
All condition true
Some condition false
Call Driven action
Recruiter had credits but didn't pick up the call
Recruiter had credits and picked up the call
Call Feedback Mandatory/Follow up feedback
1_Explained Video after Candidate App login.
2_Request Callback and Interview Schedule.
3_Call feedback mandatory.
4_Push Recruiters to Buy SLA for active candidates. number of hirings-Notify recruiters with respect to the needs.
Call Initiated
Call Initiated
Call Initiation failed
Notification through In-App or SMS
Follow up-Flow for Candidates to call back again.
Explained Video (New user onboarding, Feature cards (How to Apply for the Jobs),
eg; Hey Recruiter, You have around 23 active candidates to call for your Job post "Content Marketing"-SMS-Recruiter Side
3 candidates just called you-Schedule an interview-In App
If recruiter has closed the job, we need to communicate the candidate that hiring is closed for this job.
Follow up Flow
Tool tip on Contact Now-Message-Apply directly
Candidate Outbound and Recruiter has credits
Didnt pick up the call
If the Recruiter isnt getting converted through inapp, SMS, We can ask him to close the job
if not then we will close it through our backend.
By this we are saving candidate side user experience of candidate applying for the job but no response from the recruiter end.
click to edit
1if the candidate is trying to call the recruiter, we can nug him on chat section or homepage itself that.
2 Push notifications to the candidates who are not calling the recruiter but are a match.
New jobs-Prefererd location we send notifs. Right njow
Redirect towards a new page where we can talk about how to apply for a job focusing on calling factor.
Follow up feedback flow
click to edit
click to edit
click to edit