Chapter 6: Developing & managing product

new product

the market, the producer, the seller,
or some combination of these

•product line additions
•new product lines

development process

new -product-strategy

idea generation

idea screening

business analysis


idea generation
-customers, employees, distributors,
competitors, vendors, consultants


getting a gp to think unlimited ways to
vary a product or solve a problem

concept test

to evaluate a new-product idea, usually
before any prototype has been created


marketing strategy

packaging, branding, labeling

creation of prototype

simultaneous product development

new team-oriented approach to
new-product development

test marketing

limited introduction of product


simulated market testing

online test marketing



sales training

inventory buildup

why new product fail

no discernible benefits

poor promotion

inferior product

success factors

match between products and market needs

differents from substitute products

benefit to large number of people

introductory stage

product life cycle

strong leadership

getting every aspect right

listening to custimers

vision of future market

concept that provides a way to trace
the stages of product's acceptances

little competition

high failures rates

limited distribution

growth stage

increasing rates of sales

market solidation

wider distribution

maturity stage

saturated markets

annual model appear

sales increase at a decreasing rate

decline stage

long-run drop in sales

large inventories of unsold items

"organized abadonment"