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2.0 App, STREAMS OF REVENUE:. Printable LiveStory Books / Digital…
2.0 App
Photo Sharing
Video Sharing
Event Based
My content
Photos and Videos people have shared with me
Public/private albums to be shared with people
venmo "friend" model
Users have profiles; people can online see albums shared with them on the person's profile
Albums start as private until I share to specific people
Trending for public profiles and albums
Trending albums: based on total interaction (high visibility)
Ads in the form of albums (blended in to the application, no pop ups)
My homepage should be the trending albums
No shared posts-- it's all about individually curated content and no agendas
"share" capability
"assign" / "rename" Distribution lists of people I share with consistently
Comments are private between album owner and commenter
Album "co-ownership"
Memories to generate new albums to share
Memories system generated to reshare withpeople
"Collaborative" album... content can be added by others I've shared the album with
Instagram a roll of photos and video instead of lost of albums (GK tribute)
Share via email or phone
Album can be Private or shared
Album can contain photos and/or videos
Photo/Video can have Likes
Photos/Videos can have comments
Ability to choose frame and print photos
Ability to create a photo book to be printed
Allow user to add a story with the book
Album co-ownership
Ads baked into the app
Provide email/text link that allows me to share without the user having to login to the app
Have My Album page
A page with Shared albums
Search for Friends
Allow user to create Groups with Friends
Tending Albums
Chat Session for a Group of Friends
this chat has text along with photo-pointing to a photo album
Allow a user to have a Family Page
page shows image and text of the family
Photo/Video Contests
Prompts to keep people engaged
Censor guest uploads
Photo Sharing
Video Sharing
Ability to choose who can view my content
Ability for people to comment on my content/ me to comment on other peoples content
Profiles are OPTIONAL
Users have profiles; people can only see albums shared with them on the person's profile
Albums start as private until I share to specific people
My home screen should be my stuff
Share via email or phone number
venmo "friend" model
Defined default "my public" group
Comments are private between album owner and commenter
Place for me to share content instead of texting individual people
Album "co-ownership"
"Collaborative" album... content can be added by others I've shared the album with
Easily share, search, tag and organize these items
Others can co-contribute
assign default groups to share with (ie. Always share uploads with Glynda Giverr ;)
Interactive elements - prompts?
People can search/interact with the items I make public
Not Albums, but maybe boards
Keep: photos, videos, notes, ideas, goals, recipes, quotes, documents,
Filter or customize Trending Now page by tag/topic
Calendar view
Family Tree feature
Photo sharing
Not just albums. What if I only have one picture?
Family app. "For us by us"
Family reunion. Payments, photos, planning, buy tshirts
Sending invites and announcements to your family, have groups.
The ultimate family communication hub. This would eliminate keeping track of everyones emails, phone numbers and addresses. Everyone can easily update their information as things change. Contact information database
Store private documents; birth and death certificate, wills, immunizations.
Family history database.
No code.
Finding and adding friends easier
Something interactive. What keeps people coming back?
How are we competing with similar photo sharing apps. What makes us different?
People like to scroll. Maybe top picture on the main site, to scroll. If someone wants to see more, they then click to see the entire album.
How can we make logging in better? I have seen people give up.
Photographer app. If I am a photographer, using this platform to send album to my clients. As a client, I can research photographers in my area.
Photo/Video share
Option to make tags
Private tagging for individuals who posted the picture for their own view
Collaborative/Co-ownership albums
Ability to message friends
Privately tag people in pictures/ facial recognition
Photo Privacy Request
Close Friend/ Family view
Friend list private
Minority Angie's List
ADVERTISING - with a demographic of young/any mothers with babies toddlers and school age children - there is a multitude of streams of revenue that can come from advertising to this demographic - also giving the advertisers access to families that want to participate in brand loyalty contests and give aways through push notifications that can be turned on and off depending on the users wishes
For qualifying minority advertisers to provide services from under represented communities
Gather photos from all events from everyone at the event to share... choose the photos you want in your life story and store them in your book on the day of the event - add a short (or long summary of the event in your (journal/lifestory) and be rest assured that your story is now documented
A home page that you design - calendar by the month/week/day to plan your life out as you live it... I can imagine a video of an ocean sunset with waves or rain coming down in a forest or even your kids playing in the back yard in 1996 - decorate your page in a way that makes you and your guests feel welcome when they come over your "house" to visit... decorate like myspace?
Calendar based
A conscious life planner - that documents who you are, what you do and how you did it daily/weekly/monthly so that you can be free to dream about the life you want to create instead of trying to keep up with the life that is living you. A smart calendar that documents life as you live it from here.
any SOCIAL MEDIA TEXTS AND QUOTES that you want to keep for your Lifestory book
Gift your family with a family tree to have and add to for the rest of your lives. Help them to know who their ancestors were and the stories that go along with them.
Store all family/friends pics and videos on specific days in calendar and see all years at a glance easy to access anytime, easy to remember where they are by linking/tagging people in your photos where your stories intersect and then sharing stories/chapters in each other's life stories.
With COVID being our new normal - this could be a place for students parents and teachers to stay in contact privately . A place to keep track of all of your children's projects, homework assignments and grades in one place
Easy for transferring information to baby sitters, grandparents, doctors or anyone who would need information about your babie's schedule
suggestions, challenges** to show users how to get the most out of their own LifeStory by creating/planning your life as y our live it
Special Invitations
for people to enter your world to have access to your recipes, decorating ideas etc.
Daily/weekly or monthly to collect and easily archive stories for your lifestory that will aggregate every year that you have a new memory to add to your storybook
A place to keep family recipes handed down over the years... and a place to store videos of mothers, fathers and grandmothers, making your favorite dish in their very own kitchen for your children to view and treasure in their own lifestory book
Stay on target with your work projects in the robust in app planner
LiveStory -
In a nutshell - Your BRAIN - a safe and secure place to hold all your memories and decide who you are based on your thoughts and ideas about life. Not to mention the everyday functionality of keeping everything in one nice neat place where you can access anything you are looking for at any time from anywhere.
Alternative Social Media app
Instead of Instagram or FaceBook… share your life story with people you really care about. Create your world in your LiveStory while you live it. Family based - small groups mushrooming out to grow users by sharing photo and videos of family based events. If I you are part of my life story, in some way I am a part of yours.
Document your children's lives from pregnancy to the day they first came home all the way to the day they leave for college. Give them the digital download of their lives and when they are old enough ask them to start writing their own perspectives on their lives. Co-create your children's LiveStory and let them take it over to start adding their own experiences for them to come back to as adults to see who they were at every age in their lives.
Create digital memory downloads
For your family to have your perspective of shared events. Easily share your pictures and videos live story plug-and-play displays on screens at family reunions and weddings - shared perspective of shared events
- To send to loved ones away in the military, college or across country with a play list of their favorite songs (audio) photos, video messages and journal messages for them to keep and play whenever they miss you.
Create a LiveStory Libray
of all our family and friends that you care the most about and keep them to cross share stories
Chapter Based
With Groups
Media types
Entry Filtering
Facial Recognition
Printable LiveStory Books / Digital LiveStory Books - packages to send to loved ones for funerals/weddings/birthdays
LiveStory Book Companion - Prompts
Printable Story Books with pictures
Sponsored events through LiveStory for Advertisers to reach groups of their demographics through Zoom events