Freedom writers: justice and context
Andre is an African American teenager who is a pimp and also a drug dealer. Through his time In Erin Gruwells class he for a short period of time stops some of the things he’s doing such as drug dealing and focuses on school work.
Eva is a Hispanic teenager in Erin Gruwells class who’s father was sent to prison for no reason. Throughout her time in erins class she changes into a better person and ends up Telling the truth at a court case.
Marcus is a teenage African American who is part of a gang in America. As a result of his gang affiliation he was kicked out of his home by his mother. In the movies it shows his struggle to get away/ break free from the gang life.
“All they See is a dead body, a gun and a nigga”
“My brother went to jail and my mom thinks I’m going there too”
Context: the movie the freedom writers was created in the time of the la riots and when they stopped some segregation and created integration into things such as schools. In the movie Woodrow Wilson was a high quality school until integration started resulting in lowering grades and an increasing amount of gang violence at school and on the streets.
Ideas about justice and injustice
“So I hate white people on sight”
The notion that colour determines the quality of education
Injustice is something everyone faces
The injustice of crime
LA riots: the LA riots were a protest for black lives after 4 white police officers beat up Rodney king and killed Latasha Harlins. The riots caused widespread chaos throughout Los Angeles where there was Widespread rioting, looting, assault, arson, protests, property damage, firefights
Integration: Integration was the infusion of People of colour into things that they weren’t allowed to do prior intergration. Is allowed them to do things such as go to white schools and have the same rights to things as white people.
It occurred with evas dad being arrested for no reason and Marcus was sent to a juvenile correction centre because he was blamed for his friends accidental suicide
This idea is show in the visual journals of Jamal and Marcus
The notion that colour determines the quality of your education
Eva uses second person in the quote “I know what you can do” this highlights the impact that the injustice of crime has had on her thoughts towards people especially of white appearance.
Marcus uses rule of three in “all they see is a dead body, a gun and a nigga” this highlights the injustice of crime and the racial prejudice towards people of colour.
Jamal uses hyperbole in “i’ve seen more dead bodies than a mortician” this describes the way that he has faces injustice over the years
A close up of Marcus’ face on his first night in the juvenile correction centre shows his fear and sadness as a result of the injustice of being falsely accused of a murder.
When mrs Campbell says the children don’t deserve an education and tieto asking why he should go to school
Mrs Campbell uses high modality language in “ you can’t make someone want an education. The best you can do is teach them discipline” this shows that she doesn’t believe that the students have the capability to have a good education
Tieto uses a rhetorical question in “nobody cares what I do, why should I bother coming to school” this shows there disengagement as they aren’t seen as deserving an education
Segregation: segregation is when the people of colour who were seen as inferior to white people were given less rights and were not allowed to do simple things that white people are allowed to do.