Mobile Phones as learning and organizational tools in the ESP classroom
5 guidelines by Egbert (2005) implementing CALL in the classroom
- Use technology to suppport the pedagogical goals of the class and curriculum
- Make the technology accessible to all learners
- Use technology as a tool
- Use technology effectively
- Use technology effeciently
New Technologies offer - autonomous language learning
Flickr, YouTube,
mobile devices: Apple iPad, Google Tablet, HP Slate, iPods, mp3 players
a quantitative method
10 ESP students from the Computer Sciences and Technology Faculty
2 main questions about learning:
- What is the potensial of using mobile phones in the ESP instruction?
- Did students improve their language skills?
Second year of studies, the 4 th semester
Examples of maximizing the potensial of the phones in the ESP classroom
- Providing and receiving immediate feedback/taking a quick poll of the students
- Quick class research
- In-class discussion forums on Google Classroom
- Mobile phones as textbook option
- Phone blogging
- Taking class notes
- Mobile phones used as stopwatch for presentations
- Getting notifications on Google Classroom on new announcements and assignmemts