Mobile Phones as learning and organizational tools in the ESP classroom

5 guidelines by Egbert (2005) implementing CALL in the classroom

  1. Use technology to suppport the pedagogical goals of the class and curriculum
  1. Make the technology accessible to all learners
  1. Use technology as a tool
  1. Use technology effectively
  1. Use technology effeciently

New Technologies offer - autonomous language learning

Flickr, YouTube,

mobile devices: Apple iPad, Google Tablet, HP Slate, iPods, mp3 players


a quantitative method


10 ESP students from the Computer Sciences and Technology Faculty

2 main questions about learning:

  1. What is the potensial of using mobile phones in the ESP instruction?
  1. Did students improve their language skills?

Second year of studies, the 4 th semester

Examples of maximizing the potensial of the phones in the ESP classroom

  1. Providing and receiving immediate feedback/taking a quick poll of the students
  1. Quick class research
  1. In-class discussion forums on Google Classroom
  1. Mobile phones as textbook option
  1. Phone blogging
  1. Taking class notes
  1. Mobile phones used as stopwatch for presentations
  1. Getting notifications on Google Classroom on new announcements and assignmemts