The main character is Samuel O. Bruhl, his informative description is given in the first paragraph. Samuel O. Bruhl was just an ordinary-looking citizen, like you and me, except for a curious, shoe-shaped scar on his left cheek, which made him look similiar to the criminal named George Clinigan ("Shoe-scar"). Samuel had a good job, a devout wife, two tractable daughters and a nice home in Brooklyn His life was uneventful and that scar similiar to Clinigan's one was the only remarkable thing in his life. George Clinigan was wanted by the police and enemies and one day he escaped, so the police suggested him to be in the city. Samuel was frightened, he was afraid of being caught and "cooked". Paranoia took possession over him. But on the other hand, he got this "remarkable life" he was dreaming about. That's why when Clinigan was "cooked" as they announced, so did his enemies, Samuel started to act like a gangster. Now he wasn't scared of vengeance and could play a bit. He get out of his ordinary life by accident and started a new one, his dreams came true.His wife wasn't out of the reality and called a psychologists to help her husband. The doctor said it was psychosis, definitely, psychosis. A way Samuel protected himself. (it's interesting to note that shoe symbolises protection). Samuel was advised to rest a bit somewhere and all the family went away. But Samuel's "brother" Clinigan didn't leave him alone, making him be rude and snarl at his wife. In the end Samuel was killed by the criminals the way he wanted to, like a gangster. Talking with the others he behaved like a gangster and died with a "pleased smile".