( A process through which managers regulate organizational activities to make them consistent with expectations and help them achieve predetermined standards of performance )

Process of control

2 ) Measuring Actual Performance

3 ) Comparing Actual Performance With Standards

1 ) Setting Standards for Performance

4 ) Responding to Deviations

Whenever possible, the standards should be set in a manner that allows them to be compared with actual performance

An organization must decide:

  • What to measure.
  • When to measure.
  • How frequently to measure.

This step involves determining if actual performance compared to standards falls within acceptable limits

If the deviation from performance is unacceptable, then corrective action is warranted, If the deviation is acceptable, no correction action is necessary

Types Of Control
(Control methods / control system)

Steering Control (Concurrent control)

Post-Action Control (Feedback control)

Pre-Action Control (Feed forward control)

Control system

Characteristics of an effective control system

It is about input level, the transformation process and output level


Focused on strategic Control Points

Objective and Comprehensive

Utilize all steps of the control process

Corrective action

Accurate (Information)

Consistent with the organization’s structure

Understandable and justifiable


Acceptable by organizational members

Barriers to successful control

Negative attitude


Operating delays


Game playing