Table 3 provides parameter estimates for equation (5), which does not constrain the persistence coefficients on the accrual and cash components of earnings to be equal. The first column of panel A provides the pooled regression results. The coefficient on the accrual component of earnings, y,, is 0.765, while the coefficient on the cash component of earnings, y2, = is 0.855. An F-test rejects the hypothesis that the coefficients are equal (F 614.01). The remainder of panel A provides statistics from the distributions of the coefficients from the industry level regressions. The coefficient is y, consistently smaller than the coefficient. In industry y2 specific comparisons of and is less than in y2, y, 86 percent of the industries examined, and yl y2 the null hypothesis of equality is rejected with a sign test. The rank regression results reported in panel B provide corroborating evidence that is less than y2. The pooled regression yields a yl Xl estimate of 0.565 versus a estimate of 0.838. Equality of these two coefficients is strongly y2 rejected (F=4894.24). The industry level regressions confirm that is centered between 0.5 and yl 0.6, while centered around 0.8. The is y, coefficient is less than the coefficient in 99 percent y2 y2 of the industries, and the null hypothesis of equality is rejected using a sign test. The results in table 3 therefore provide strong evidence in support of H1.