Edward de Bono Serious Creativity


False beliefs of creativity

Some believe creativity is a matter of talent

The education system does not encourage creative thinking

The world neglect the importance of creativity

People view creativity cannot be earned

Creativity covers a wide range of different skills

Can be looked as a mystery

New ideas are produced

We do not know how creativity came about

Can be a complex & tricky process

No clear consensus to define creativity

The Practical Need for Creativity

Misperception About Creativity

The need for 'craziness'

Creativity is a natural talent and cannot be taught

Creativity that has been trained is better that natural creativity

Creativity did not select only certain people to be so

Learning creative is no different from learning math or sport

Creativity can be increased with proper techniques

Maintenance management

Maintaining your position can lead to your downfall

Your competitors may be looking ahead of you

Is no longer a sufficient concept

Cost cutting & quality programs

The old way is not the right way anymore

Doing the old things with better quality will not suddenly lead to the same success

Tasks need to be continuously modified

'Craziness’ is definitely needed in creative thinking

Thinkers need to think outside the box

New ideas generated are different from the typical ideas

Do not let the judgments of craziness ruin creativity

Craziness is different from normal thinking

Group or individual

Creativity does not necessarily have to be a group process

Individuals working on their own produce more ideas than in a group

Work at your own pace

Will generate more and fresh ideas

The Six Thinking Hats


Leaves a great influence on decision making

To look at problems from different perspectives

Six Thinking Hats in Classroom







Will benefit your decision making in a more creative way

Help a person to avoid possible drawbacks and

To discuss the facts and other objective information about a problem

To share feelings and emotions about the issue

To present negative aspects, or worst-case scenarios, regarding any situation the encounter

To consider positives, or advantages, of the situation

To consider creative ideas that come from looking at the problem in a new way

To sum up all that is learned

Take Away Value

Tools & techniques

Creativity requires the right tools

Equipped with some specific tools to generate new ideas.

Use of tools is better instead of relying on natural talent.

Trust your intuition


Simple focus

Remain focused to your goals

Access to all reasoning and creativity.

Focus and creativity cannot be separated

The Concept Fan

Design solutions and to redefine the creativity

New ways of solving the problem

Principle of 'taking a step back'

Way of discovering alternative approaches



All decisions made are greatly influenced by emotions

Balance between emotions and logic

Most relevant emotions




Produce ideas in a new point of view