power and conflict:internal conflict-war photographer

how is internal conflict shown

" which did not tremble then
though seem to now." His hands shake, as Duffy uses powerful imagery and effective contrast to explore not only the conflict in war but the conflict within himself, and in the wider world of media reporting.

photographer might be suffering from PTSD

Duffy uses internal rhyming in the term ‘tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers’ within War Photographer. The internal rhyming could be used to emphasise the internal struggle of conflict that the photographer would be facing. ’Pre-lunch beers’ shows how casual other members of society would look at what he does, dismissing it without a second thought, and carry on with their day; unlike the victims of war, who are constantly conflicted within themselves.

a picture doesn't show everything

everyone who is around war either fighting in it,the innocent people caught in the crossfire or the photographer are all effected in some way either mentally or physically

the photographer is feeling guilty that he cant do more to help the innocent people who are effected by war

people who read see or read about the tragedies only think about it for one minute but after they carry on with there lives in peace and forget about those who were suffering


The poem comes from Duffy’s friendship with Don McCullin and Philip Jones Griffiths, two
well-respected photographers who specialised in war photography.

Duffy is fascinated by what makes someone do such a job, and how they feel about being
in situations where a choice often has to be made between recording horrific events and helping.

This organisation mirrors the actions of the photographer, who lays out his films in ordered rows, as though in doing so he can in some way help to restore order to this chaotic world.

Duffy provokes us to consider our own response when confronted with the photographs that we regularly see in our newspaper

is internal conflict or external conflict more damaging

in war photographer external damage is shown a lot as the use of imagery shows how horrific war is

however it also show internal conflict as the photographer is suffering from PTSD and is also feeling guilty about not doing more to help the victims

the reader of the newspapers may also have some internal conflict as they aren't aware of all the horrors of war that is going on around the world,and maybe the next time they complain about something they will think twice as they are privileged compared to some people.

The poem is written about a war photographer who has returned home and is developing
his photos. The process of developing old style film photos is rather unusual for many to understand today. Old style film is very sensitive to light, so it must be done in a dark
room lit with red light. The photo itself is developed using chemicals which slowly bring out the photo, it is then hung to dry. All of this can create quite a sinister atmosphere,
red light, surrounding by hanging photos and chemical smells.

The poem is also looking at the contrast between the war zones and safety of being back
home and the way people just do not understand the truth, after all a single photo cannot show everything.

War photographers do a very dangerous job, many are killed and injured as they must get
in harms way to get the photos they are after.