Helen Baştürkmen
and Ana Bocanegra-Valle
Materials Design Processes, Beliefs
and Practices of Experienced ESP Teachers
in University Settings in Spain
Definitions of Teacher's Beliefs
Implicit and Explicit Teacher Beliefs
Questions ❓
Why did the ESP teachers
evaluate the sample materials as successful?
21 experienced ESP teachers working in two universities and across three campuses in Spain
Universities of Spain
Data sources
Discussions - 1)to recall key materials development steps & 2)a means of exploring the teachers’ tacit beliefs;
Findings and Discussion
Exlicit Principles for designing materials
Implicit Principles for designing materials
1 Literature Review
Functions pf an ESP teacher
Materials Development Processes
Teacher thinking
Teachers’ subjective theories (Grotjahn, 1991: 188)
Teachers’ pedagogical systems (Borg, 1998: 9)
Beliefs (Basturkmen & Bocanegra)
Teachers’ personal theories (Breen et al. 2001)
"guides teachers’ classroom actions and what teachers do reflects what they know and believe" (Richards and Lockhart 1994).
Needs assessor
Teachers also have implicit, or tacit beliefs, which they may not necessarily articulate but which can be inferred from their practices.
Teachers’ explicit, or espoused, beliefs are those they are aware of having and which they articulate.
Authentic material designer
Specialized syllabus designer
Content-knowledgeable instructor
What are the teachers’ implicit beliefs about teaching and learning ESP?
Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed.
(2) deciding
how to use authentic texts
(3) thinking of real-world tasks
(1) identifying suitable source materials
A learning/teaching
sequence goes from familiar to unknown things
No implicit learning
Active engagement
Independent learning
implicit teaching of subject content
inclusion of subject content knowledge
Authentic tasks
Language learning strategies
Focus on form
Introduction - This chapter focuses on English for specific purposes (ESP) teachers’ materials design processes and their beliefs and practices about teaching and learning.
Conclusion - the processes and principles may be the same for ESP teachers in other contexts.