Observation :eyes:
Elicit info by viewing activities & understanding context
TO identify needs & opportunities, understand biz process, set performance standards, evaluate sol performance, support training & dev
//Prep 1. :checkered_flag: Establish clear & specific objectives (e.g. understand activity & elements, identify opportunities for improvements, establish performance metrics, assess solutions & validating assumptions
2. :family: Decide who should be viewed, considering skill + experience levels, frequency of activities, existing documentation & analysis
3. :spiral_calendar_pad: Schedule observation
//Before Conduct 1. Explain the purpose
2. reassure that personal performance not being judged
3. Inform that can stop any time
4. Recommend sharing any reasoning/concerns
//During Session 1. Attentively watch, note typical/atypical tasks/steps, manner use tools, information content
2. Record what is seen, time taken to perform, quality, anomalies, own concerns/questions
3. Probing questions during session/soon after
//Confirm & Present results 1. Review the notes & follow up to answer remaining questions
2. Share and validate notes >> identify similarities, differences, trends