The case:
Ethan is a twelve-year old boy, who is being treated for osteosarcoma of the arm. He initially responded well to treatment, but he has now suffered a relapse. The oncology team has determined that his cancer has metastasized to his lungs. The team believes that the chance of a cure is slim. A further round of chemotherapy may prolong Ethan’s life by a few months, but the side effects are likely to be significant.
Ethan’s parents have considered the options and want Ethan to undergo chemotherapy. However, they do not want the oncology team to tell Ethan that his cancer has spread to his lungs or that he is likely to die, even with chemotherapy. His parents claim they want to protect him and that revealing his diagnoses and prognoses would only cause Ethan great distress. Ethan’s parents continue to talk about the future with him, and make plans, while also telling him that the chemotherapy is needed to make him better.