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Sexual ethics- is the study of ethics in relation to human sexuality and…
Sexual ethics- is the study of ethics in relation to human sexuality and the sexual behaviours of humans. Often evaluates premarital, extramarital sex and homosexuality.
Natural Law
Extramarital sex-
- PP- telos of sex= reproduce so should only take place in society, doesn't contribute to an ordered society as the child could be born out of wedlock.
- Marriage is seen as a sacrament- thus it is seen as two people becoming one in flesh, and there being an unbearable union that should not be broken.
- Deliberate denial of conscience- mortal sin
- Is an Apparent good.
- Summa Theologica- Aquinas wrote of 4 types of sex that were considered to be wrong- inc. Bestiality, Masturbation, Homosexuality, and a non- natural style of intercourse.
- Described as unnatural in the Bible, with Aquinas thinking that it went against nature.
-But perhaps sex has more than one telos- and it is not just to reproduce.
- The precepts can also conflict- what about homosexuals that want to adopt? Or what if we considered to be homosexual is someones telos, and thus they then need to fulfil this
Premarital sex-
- Primary precepts- ie. reproduce, ordered society
- Telos of sex- reproduction, with ordered society coming from the stability of marriage
- Marriage- more stable than cohabitation- ordered society
- Aquinas influenced Hippo- sex= necessary evil, reminds us of the Original sin
- An Apparent good, rather than a Real good.
- Sex shouldn't be enjoyed- but it could lead to human flourishment as makes relationship more stable
Kantian Ethics
Extramarital sex-
- Focuses on individual dignity and the mutual respect between all people
- Marriage vows- commit to an exclusive relationship- this should not then be broken as if universalised it would contradict the law of nature
- Therefore sex outside marriage breaks this union and also treats the additional partner as a means to an end. This denies the categorical imperative once again
- Kant himself was against it
- But, said people should be treated equally- regardless of gender and sexuality
- If we were to consider reproduction as a universal requirement, then homosexuality would be seen as immoral
Premarital sex-
- Could be seen to maximise autonomy
- Outside social norms- these are often here to protect others
-Argued that the personal freedoms =, as long as they don't inflict upon others thus if all parties were approving then it would deem PMS as ethical
Situation Ethics-
Extra marital sex-
- Doesn't promote 'free love'- ie. Irresponsible and spontaneous relationships
- would be more inclined to agree to approve extra- marital sex if it is approved by all parties effected.
- Judge the situation on own merits.
- Under agape, tit would recognise the presence of romantic love
- Would seek a pragmatic approach- ie. would choose to put moral rules aside and then prioritise the heart
Premarital sex-
- would refer to the teachings of Jesus and the emphasis upon marriage being a sacrament
-PMS- indicates a lack of moral discipline
- Could be a progression towards marriage
Extramarital sex-
- Principle of utility- would not condone this
- Lisa Sowel Cahill- writes about women in the face of rich and wealthy men
- Cahill explores how the men had concubines, who were lower status women who lived as though they were the wife of the household, whist also living alongside of the wife
- to ban EMS would bring about the most good, and stop exploitation
- Cares for the well- being of society- it allows for the discrimination of minority groups
- The majority of society identifies as heterosexual
- If the heterosexual majority disapproved of homosexuality, then Utilitarianism would say it is ethical to prohibit homosexuality
Premarital sex
- Could condone- if we equate happiness to pleasure, an unregulated approach to sex could maximise pleasure
- Hedonic Calculus- could cause unwanted pregnancies and STD's
- Children could be exploited easily- in cases of sex trafficking
Extra marital sex-
-More concerned with the emotions involved, and the emotional benefit experienced by those in the sexual relationship and the marriage
- Emphasises the connections between the 2 or more people
- Mill brought about the inclusion of homosexuality
- He argued those who are 'different' should be protected rather than oppressed and marginalised
Premarital sex-
- Harm principle- actions of an individual should only be limited to prevent harm to others
- Creates a more liberal approach concerned with how religion forbids certain behaviours
- Overall, it wouldn't have an issue with premarital sex as it does not cause harm