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E - Opportunities and Solutions - Coggle Diagram
E - Opportunities and Solutions
Generate the
initial complete version
of the Architecture Roadmap
gap analysis
from Phases B, C, and D
candidate Architecture Roadmap components
Determine whether an
incremental approach is required
if so identify
Transition Architectures
that will deliver continuous business value
Draft Architecture Requirements Specification
Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Assessment
Capability Assessment
IT Capability Assessment
Business Capability Assessment
Draft Architecture Definition Document
Architecture Roadmap
Work package portfolio
Identification of Transition Architectures
Implementation recommendations
Architecture Vision
Implementation and Migration Plan (outline)
Statement of Architecture Work
Determine/confirm key corporate change attributes
Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix
Factor | Description |Deduction
Determine business constraints for implementation
business drivers - sequence of implementation
business and strategic plans
corporate and line-of-business level
review of the Enterprise Architecture Maturity Assessment
Review and consolidate Gap Analysis results from Phases B to D
Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix
Review consolidated requirements across related business functions
Consolidate and reconcile interoperability requirements
identify any constraints on interoperability required by the
potential set of solutions
Re-used Solution Building Blocks
Commercial Off -Th e-Shelf
(COTS) products
third-party service providers typically impose
interoperability requirements that conflict
Refine and validate dependencies
Confirm readiness and risk for business transformation
Formulate Implementation and Migration Strategy
strategic approach
to implementing the solutions
strategic direction
will address and mitigate the risks
Quick win (snapshots)
Achievable targets
Value chain method (e.g., NASCIO8 methodology)
Identify and group major work packages
Classify every current system
: Part of the future information system
: Expected to be replaced or modified in the planning horizon(next three years).
: To be replaced in the planning horizon
Identify Transition Architectures
how to create
one or more transition architectures
Transition Architectures should provide
measurable business value
The time-span between successive Transition Architectures
does not have to be of uniform duration
scope of change
to implement Target Architecture -
requires an incremental approach
Development of Transition Architectures must be based
preferred implementation approach
the Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and
Dependencies matrix
the listing of projects and portfolios
the enterprise’s capacity for creating and absorbing change
Create the Architecture Roadmap & Implementation and Migration Plan
• Product information
• Request for Architecture Work
• Capability Assessment
• Communications Plan
• Planning Methodologies
• Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture
• Governance Models and Frameworks
• Tailored Architecture Framework
• Statement of Architecture Work
• Architecture Vision
• Architecture Repository
• Draft Architecture Defi nition Document
• Draft Architecture Requirements Specifi cation
• Change Requests for existing programs and projects
• Candidate Architecture Roadmap components from Phases B, C, and D
Further Reading
Interoperability Requirements and Solutions
Capability-Based Planning and the ADM
Security Architecture