heart is located towards the left of breastbone (sternum)
right side of heart receive low oxygen blood from all parts of body and pumps to the lungs
left side of heart receive oxygen-rich blood from the lung and deliver to all parts of the body
electrical signal from the heart - Electrocardiogram (ECG) using pacemaker
Normal heart beat: 60-100 per minute, baby 150, child 80-120
heart attack
symptom: pain, shortness of breathe, sweating, nausea, vomiting or dizziness
Ventricular Fibrillation (AF)
Coarse VF
Normal VP
Fine VF
electrical pulses with the heart (ECG) -> wave rhythm
brain damage if no oxygen within 4-6 minutes
to avoid this, do CPR & AED
Chain of Survival ❤
- early recognition and access - call for assistance, shout for AED, call for ambulance (dial 995)
- early CPR
- early defibrillation (AED)
- early advanced care - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
survival rate falls 10% for every passing minute
2 key components
cardiac compression
Actions (DRSABC) 🚩
- check for Danger ✅
- check for Responsiveness (hello hello, are you ok?) ✅
- shout for help, call for ambulance 995, get AED ✅
- position the casualty (lying face up)
- open the airway (head-tilt, chin lift)
- check for normal breathing ✅
- perform chest compression ✅
compression : ventilation is 30 : 2
rate of 100 -120 per min
- Mouth-to-mouth breathing
- put to recovery position
monitor every 2 mins
4-6 cm deep
Automated External Defibrillator
no rhythm (Asystole) -> flat line
30 - 40% chance of survival if implemented early
deliver electrical shocks to treat VF, allow heart to restore its function
analyse the electrical rhythm of the heart, determine shock is needed
prepare for AED
avoid metal, water and gas
chest preparation ✅
4 finger-breadths away from pacemakers
position of pacemaker
A. right chest just below the collarbone
B. left chest just below and to the left of the left nipple
- AED analyse the heart rhythm
- stand clear
- if shockable rhythm, it will charge automatically
- continue CPR while AED is charging
- once AED is fully charged, prompted 'PRESS THE SHOCK BUTTON NOW'
- once shock is delivered, continue CPR
- if breathing is present & AED prompts "NO SHOCK ADVICE'
- place causality to recovery position, continue to monitor till help arrives
- throughout this period, AED should remain connected to the casualty