Behaviors are effortless here. // Behaviors are difficult here.
Obvious // Invisible
Attractive // Unattractive
Easy // Hard
Satisfying // Unsatisfying
You want to push your good habits toward the left side of the spectrum by making them obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Meanwhile, you want to cluster your bad habits toward the right side by making them invisible, unattractive, hard, and unsatisfying.
The secret to getting results that last is to never stop making improvements. It’s remarkable what you can build if you just don’t stop.
It’s remarkable the business you can build if you don’t stop working.
It’s remarkable the body you can build if you don’t stop training.
It’s remarkable the knowledge you can build if you don’t stop learning.
It’s remarkable the fortune you can build if you don’t stop saving.
It’s remarkable the friendships you can build if you don’t stop caring.
Small habits don’t add up. They compound. That’s the power of atomic habits. Tiny changes. Remarkable results.
Little lessons from the 4 Laws
- Awareness comes before desire.
- Happiness is simply the absence of desire.
- It is the idea of pleasure that we chase.
- Peace occurs when you don’t turn your observations into problems.
- With a big enough why you can overcome any how .
- Being curious is better than being smart.
- Emotions drive behavior.
- We can only be rational and logical after we have been emotional.
- Your response tends to follow your emotions.
- Suffering drives progress.
- Your actions reveal how badly you want something.
- Reward is on the other side of sacrifice.
- Self-control is difficult because it is not satisfying.
- Our expectations determine our satisfaction. Satisfaction = Liking – Wanting
- The pain of failure correlates to the height of expectation.
-Feelings come both before and after the behavior. Cue > Craving (Feeling) > Response > Reward (Feeling)
- Desire initiates. Pleasure sustains.
- Hope declines with experience and is replaced by acceptance.