The dialogue utilised by Mr Foyer, (a representative of PG & E), Erin and Mr Masry, regarding the matter of PG &E negligence, communicates how injustices can arise from an abuse of power. This is especially conveyed in the quote, “You might want to remember who it is you’re dealing with, PG & E is a 28 billion dollar corporation” As emphasised by movie director, Soderbergh, PG & E is utilising their power, influence, reputation and wealth, to highlight the enormous advantage they have, as a large corporation against the vulnerable citizens of Hinkley. Mr Foyer, in this sentence, carries an air of warning and a sense of superiority, implying the dire consequences that could occur as a result of proceeding with the trial. In his attempt to intimidate Erin and Mr Masry out of continuing to fight for justice and compensation, PG & E abuses their power by manipulating people, to achieve only the best outcome for their own selfish desires. Through this PG & E commits an injustice.