Intersections of art and theory
Tomoyoshi Murayama 村山 知義 1901 -1977
Shigeo Fukuda 福田 繁雄 1932-2009
Kazumasa Nagai 永井 一正 1929-
Sato Koichi 佐藤晃一 1944-2016
Awazu Kiyoshi 粟津潔 1929-2009
Tanaka Ikko 田中 一光 1930-2002
Aquirax Uno 宇野 亜喜良 1934-
Diary of a Shinjuku Thief 1968
Masamu Yanase 柳瀬 正夢 1900-1945
Hakuhodo 博報堂 1924 -
Shiseido 資生堂 1872-
Dentsu 電通 1906~
letterpress / movable type
Eiko Ishioka 石岡 瑛子 1938-2012
Kohmura Masao 幸村真佐男 1943
Computer generated art
Kanae Yamamoto 山本鼎 1882 –1946
Ishii Hakutei 石井柏亭 1882 - 1958
Takashi Murakami 村上 隆 1962 -
Ono Tadashige 小野忠重 1909–1990
Yoshio Fujimaki 藤牧 義夫 1911-1935
John Baldessari 1931 –2020
Kiyoshi Saito 斎藤 清,1907 – 1997
Katsutoshi Yuasa 湯浅克俊 1978 -
Aida Makoto 会田誠 1965 -
Pati Hill 1921 - 2014
Dafna Kaffeman 1972 -
Bill Viola 1951~
Joan Jonas 1936~
Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900
Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860
Immanuel Kant 1724-1804
Animus Mundi
Birth of Tragedy 1872
The Gay Science 1882
Eternal Return
Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten 1714-1762
Sigmund Freud 1856-1939
Karl Marx 1818-1883
Georges Battaile 1897-1962
Das Kapital 1867
Dialectical materialism
Frankfurt School
Immanent Critique
Stuart Hall 1932-2014
Donna Haraway 1944-
Walter Benjamin 1892-1940
Theodor Adorno 1903-1969
Claude Lévi-Strauss 1908-2009
Jürgen Habermas 1929-
Susan Sontag 1933-2004
Linda Nochlin 1913-2017
Mariko Mori 森 万里子 1967-
The Task of the Translator 1923
The Monstrosity of Translation 1975
Carol Jacobs 1943-
Camille Paglia 1947-
Sexual Personae 1993
David Bowie
Judith Butler 1956-
Undoing Gender 2004
Cyborg Manifesto 1985
Tristes Tropiques 1955
Alfred Whitehead 1861-1947
Video art
Carl Jung 1875-1961
Joseph Campbell 1904 - 1987
Hero's Journey 1949
Staying with the Trouble 2016
Against Interpretation 1966
Jacques Derrida 1930–2004
Rosalind Krauss 1941-
Trinh Minh Ha 1952-
When the Moon Waxes Red (1991)
Claire Colebrook 1965-
Death of the Posthuman 2014
Ferdinand de Saussure 1857-1913
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831
Charles Sanders Peirce 1839-1914
Of Grammatology 1967
Post Modernism
Edward Said 1935-2003
3rd ish wave feminism
Cultural studies
Kazuo Shiraga 白髪一雄 1924-2008
Tanaka Hisashige (田中久重) 1799-1881
Mechanical Turk
Theses on the Philosophy of History 1942
Jean Tinguely 1925-1991
Kinetic Art
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Onchi Koshiro 恩地孝四郎 1891 – 1955
Cameron Robbins 1963-
Masao Okabe 岡部昌生 1942-
Kyōkichi Tanaka (田中恭吉) 1892-1915
ぱくり / plagiarize
Proletarian Movement 共産運動
Fujimori Shizuo (藤森静雄) 1891-1943
Toeko Tatsuno 辰野 登恵子 1950 – 2014
Michel Foucault 1926-1984
Transcendental Idealism
Johann Gottlieb Fichte 1762-1814
Plato 428/427BC ~ 348/347
René Descartes 1596-1650
Edmund Husserl 1859-1938
Roy Bhaskar 1944-2014
Charles Darwin 1809-1882
Homi K. Bhabha 1949-
Philosophy of History 1837
Dialectic: The Pulse of Freedom 1993
Critical Realism
On the Origin of Species 1859
Giles Deleuze 1925-1995
The Unconscious Mind
Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling 1775 - 1854
System of Transcendental Idealism 1800
Epochs of consciousness
Biographia Literaria 1817
David Hartley 1705-1757
Mental vibrations
John Locke 1632-1704
Theory of association
Tabula Rasa
Social Contract
William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Geoffrey Chaucer 1340s-1400
Cantebury Tales 1400 ish
Max Horkheimer 1895-1973
Isaac Newton 1643-1727
Søren Kierkegaard 1813-1855
Simone de Beauvoir 1908-1986
Jean-Paul Sartre 1905-1980
Albert Camus 1913-1960
Fear and trembling 1843
Post Structuralism
Maurice Merleau-Ponty 1908-1961
Afro Futurism
Jean-François Lyotard 1924-1998
Martin Heidegger 1889-1976
Bertrand Russell 1872-1970
Noam Chomsky 1928-
Graphic Design
東京美術学校 1885~
藝大 1949 ~
Shigeko Kubota 久保田 成子 1937-2015
Nam June Paik 1932-2006
New Fluxus
Vija Celmins 1938-
John Maeda 1966-
Team Lab
Herbert Franke 1927 -
Dumb Type
Georg Nees 1926-2016
Frider Nake 1938-
Melanie Klein 1882-1960
Jacques Lacan 1901-1981
Avicenna 980-1037
Frank Cottrell Boyce 1959-
On BBC 20/7/1 - Community = "We used to have to get along with each other, because we were stuck with each other"
Being and Time 1927
Eno Henze 1978~
Notes on Camp 1964
Karen O'Rourke 1950s-
May 1968
Guy Debord 1931-1994
Benedict Anderson 1936-2015
Imagined Communities 1983
Print Capitalism
Walking and Mapping 2009
Mikhail Bakhtin 1895-1975
Bodies that matter 1993
(white) Second Wave Feminism
Arcades Project 1927-1940
Kaikai kiki
Nancy Chodorow 1944-
Reproduction of mothering 1978
The Second Sex 1949
Karl Popper 1902-1994
Thomas Kuhn 1922 - 1996
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 1962
Friedrich Engels 1820-1895
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State 1884
Margrit Shildrick
Leaky bodies and boundaries 1997
Karen Horney 1885-1952
Socratic Dialogue
Antonio Gramsci 1891-1961
1000 Plateaus 1980
Gender trouble 1990
One or Several Wolves
The Wolfman's Dream
Elias Canetti 1905-1994
Crowds and Power 1960
Ludvig Wittgenstein 1889-1951
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1690
Ben Fry 1975-
Casey Raes 1972 -
Baruch Spinoza 1632-1677
Luce Irigaray 1930-
Hélène Cixous 1937-
Orientalism 1978
The Dialogic Imagination 1981
Gayatri Spivak 1942
Can the subaltern speak? 1983
Edgar Morin 1924-
Gregory Bateson 1904-1980
Private Language 1986 (p92-93)
Process philosophy
Process and Reality 1929
Principia Mathematica 1910–1913
Tractatus 1913
Gottfried Leibniz 1646-1716
Monads - "the ultimate unit of existence"
Francisco Varela 1946-2001
Humberto Maturana 1928-
Autopoiesis and Cognition 1973
Anders Hoff
Margaret Mead 1901-1978
Visual anthropology
Trance and dance in Bali 1952
Henri Bergson 1859-1941
magnitude (only)
Edmond Burke 1729-1797
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful is a 1757
The sublime
Critique of Judgement 1790
Ken Perlin 1957-
Perlin Noise 1983
Voynich Manuscript
Louis Althusser 1918-1990
Benoit Mandelbrot 1924-2010
Fractal geometry
Poetry, Language, Thought 1971
Hans-Georg Gadamer 1900-2002
Truth and Method 1960
Hermeneutic circle
The Origin of the Work of Art
Fiona Tan 1966~
Emmanuel Levinas 1906-1995
Frantz Fanon 1925-1961
The Wretched of the Earth 1961
James Baldwin 1924-1987
Black queer theory
Notes of a Native Son 1951
Golnar Adili 1976~
Ethan Lauesen
Bas Jan Ader 1942-1975
I'm Too Sad to Tell You 1971
Bruno Latour 1946-
We Have Never Been Modern 1991
Social Constructionism
J.L Austin 1911-1960
How to Do Things With Words 1962
Giorgio Agamben 1942–
Actor Network Theory
Detournment - turning expressions of the capitalist system and its media culture against itself
Asger Jorn 1914-1973
Kyoto School
中井正一 Masakazu Nakai 1900-1952
What is Literature 1945
political commitment in art
Commitment 1962
(aesthetics) Purposiveness without purpose
Being and Nothingness 1943
Ethical subjectivity
Griselda Pollock 1949-
Situationist International
Jacques Ranciere 1940-
Politics of Esthetics 2006
Art Labour
Bracha L. Ettinger 1940-
Weaving a Woman Artist within the Matrixial Encounter-Event 2004
Gerhard Richter 1932-
Sigmar Polke 1941-2010
Nelson Goodman 1906-1998
Ways of Worldmaking 1978
Languages of Art 1968
Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008
"Form follows function” (Louis Sullivan, 1896)
“Less is more” (Robert Browning, 1885)
Adolf Loos’ “Ornament & Crime",1913: “Cultural evolution is equivalent to the removal of Ornament from articles in daily use”.
Kon Wajiro 1888-1973
The Authoritarian Personality 1950
Arthur Danto 1924-2013
The Artworld 1964
After the End of Art 1997
George Dickie 1926-2020
Institutional Theory of Art
Aristotle 385-325 BC
Bloomsbury Group
Roger Fry 1866 – 1934
"Not an illusion but reality" - non mimetic painting
Claes Oldenberg 1929-
Jasper Johns 1930-
Tracey Emin
RG Collingwood 1889–1943
Magic Art / Emotion Art
Richard Wollheim 1923-2003
Art Criticism
What is Art? An Institutional Analysis 1974
Morris Weitz 1916-1981
The Role of Theory in Aesthetics 1956
Cynthia Freeland 1951-
But is it Art? 2001
Hannah Wilke 1940-1993
Eva Hesse 1936-1970
Ayao Yamana 山名文夫 1897-1980
Sugiura Hisui 杉浦非水1876 - 1965
Koga Hirano 平野甲賀 1938~
Kohei Sugiura 杉浦康平 1932-
Lee Krasner 1908 – 1984
Jackson Pollock 1912 – 1956
Ruth Kligman 1930-2010
Clement Greenburg
Willem de Kooning 1904 –1997
Elaine de Kooning 1918-1989
Hunter's College
Gary Hill 1951-
Anish Kapoor 1954-
Bruce Nauman 1941-
Constantin Brâncuși 1876-1956
Ryohei Yanagi 柳原良平 1931-2015
Ruth Asawa 1926 – 2013
Kisho Kurokawa 黒川 紀章 1934-2007
Yokoo Tadanori 横尾忠則 1936 -
The Consolation of Philosophy 524
Floating man
Nikolai Bukharin 1888 – 1938
How It All Began 1937-38
The Prison Notebooks 1929-1935
Octavia Butler 1947-2006
Parable of the Solar 1993
Mitsu Tanaka 1945-
便所からの解放 1970
Saeki Toshio 佐伯俊男 1945–2019
Yamaguchi Harumi 山口 はるみ 1941
Keiichi Tanami 田名網敬 1936-
Igarashi Takenobu 五十嵐 威暢 1944-
Juliet Mitchell 1940–
Psychoanalysis & Feminism 1974
Ove Arup 1895 –1988
Total Design
Walter Gropius 1883 –1969
Bauhaus 1919
Paul Gilroy 1956–
There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack 1987
Techno Orientalism 2016
Sculpture in the Expanded Field 1979
Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? 1971
The Imaginary Orient 1983
Mark Fisher 1968-2017
"Driven by a priest's desire to excommunicate and condemn, an academic pedant's desire to be the first to be seen to spot a mistake, and a hipster's desire to be one of the in-crowd" 2013
Katherine Hayles 1943-
How We Became Posthuman 1999
Phenomenology of Perception 1945
Tania Kovats 1966-
Roni Horn 1955-
Ron English 1959-
Chapman Brothers 1960s-
Karen Barad 1954-
Trans-national theories
Chandra Talpade Mohanty 1955-
Meeting the Universe Half Way 1997
Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses 1970
Sensation 1997
Mark Francis
Sarah Lucas
Soviet Union Marxism
György Lukács 1885–1971
Theory of the Novel 1914 tr. 1974
Transcendental Homelessness
Kwame Anthony Appiah 1954–
The Lies that Bind 2018
la durée
Cinema 1: The Movement Image
Dorothea von Schlegel 1764-1839
Florentin 1801
Novalis 1772 – 1801
“Philosophy is just homesickness”
Organon 40BC
Svetlana Boym 1959-2015
Nostalgia and its Discontents 2007
Johann Gottfried Herder 1744-1803
Reza Negarestani 1977–
Speculative Realism
Marilyn Strathern 1941–
The Gender of the Gift 1988
Roy Wagner 1938–2018
The Invention of Culture 1975
Alfred Gell 1945– 997
Vogel's Net 1996
Philippe Descola 1949–
Vision & Difference 1988
Beyond Nature & Culture 2005
Jimmie Durham 1940– (faking cherokee)
Camille Henrot 1978–
Elephant Child 2015
Sun Ra 1914–1993
Space is the Place 1974
Yuko Kikuchi
Japanese Modernisation and Mingei Theory 2004
Feminism Without Borders 2003
Kodwo Eshun 1967–
Further Considerations on Afrofuturism 2003
Otolith Group
The Radiant 2012
Valentin Voloshinov 1895–1936
William James 1842-1910
A Pluralistic Universe 1909
Marxism and the Philosophy of Language 1929 tr.1973
Roman Jakobson 1896–1982
Jerry Fodor 1935–2017
The Language of Thought 1975
Systems Theory
Roland Barthes 1915–1980
Death of the Author 1967
Empire of Signs 1970
Leaving the Movie Theater 1975
Julia Kristeva 1947–
New Maladies of the Soul 1993
What is an Author? 1969
Zhang Peili 1957–
The Location of Culture 1994
Betty Friedan 1921–2006
Feminine Mystique 1963
Cultural Translation
Partha Chatterjee 1947–
Ernest Gellner 1925-1995
Michel Serres 1930–2019
On the Genealogy of Morality 1887
Nietzsche, Genealogy, History 1977
Lucien Febvre 1878–1956
The Coming of the Book 1958 tr. 1976
Thomas Nail 1979–
Theory of the Image 2019
Copernicus 1473–1543
Bergsonism 1988
Mona Hatoum 1952–
Aby Warburg 1866–1929
Exile / Estrangement
Johannes Gutenberg 1400–1468
Édouard Glissant 1928–2011
Poetics of Relation 1990 tr.1997
click to edit
Max Planck 1858–1947
Moritz Schlick 1882–1936
Planck's Constant
Vienna Circle
American Historicism
E.D. Hirsch 1928–
Validity in Interpretation 1967
Wolfgang Iser 1926 – 2007
Roman Ingarden 1893–1970
New Criticism (do things with the text)
T.S. Eliot 1888 –1965
William Empson 1906 – 1984
Seven Types of Ambiguity 1930
Russian Formalists
Linguistics and Poetics 1960
Six functions of language
"It Is Raining"
Ethical turn
Katherine Behar
Kathy Acker 1947 – 1997
Linguistic Nativism
Image Music Text 1977
Philosophical Investigations 1953
Pierre Bourdieu 1930–2002
German / Central European Philology
Erich Auerbach 1892 – 1957
René Wellek 1903–1995
Leo Spitzer 1887–1960
Friedrich von Schlegel 1772-1859
German Romantics
The World as Will and Representation 1818
Louis Hjelmslev 1899 – 1965
Copenhagen School of Linguistics
Mimesis 1946
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Discourse in the Novel 1934-5
Centripetal / Centrafugal
Robert Massin 1925–2020
Pierre Klossowski 1905–2001
Paul Ricœur 1913–2005
Hermeneutic phenomenology
Fyodor Dostoevsky 1821–1881
Alfonso Lingis 1933–
The Community of People who Have Nothing in Common 1993
Ancient Greek Civilisation 800BCE - 146CE
Ancient Mesopotanian Civilisation
Ancient Egyptian Civilisation 3500 - 300
Book of the Dead
Michel de Certeau 1925–1986
The Practice of Everyday Life 1984
Walking in the City
Renaissance 1450-1600 ish
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio 1571–1610
City Symphonies
Man with a Movie Camera 1929
Études sur Paris 1928
Manhatta (1921)
Berline Die Sinfonie der Grosstadt
William S. Burroughs 1914–1997
Jack Kerouac 1922 – 1969
Allen Ginsberg 1926 – 1997
Brion Gysin 1916 – 1986
Beat Generation
Cut Ups
Duncan Speakman 1975–
Adrian Piper 1948–
Street Performances 1970
Pope.L 1955–
The Crawl
Dragan Aleksić 1901–1958
Louis Aragon 1897–1982
Jean Arp 1886–1966
Sophie Taeuber-Arp 1889–1943
Johannes Baader 1875–1955
Hugo Ball 1886–1927
André Breton 1896–1966
John Covert (painter) 1882–1960
Jean Crotti 1878–1958
Otto Dix 1891–1969
Theo van Doesburg 1883–1931
Marcel Duchamp 1887–1968
Suzanne Duchamp 1889–1963
Paul Éluard 1895–1952
Max Ernst 1891–1976
Julius Evola 1898–1974
George Grosz 1893–1959
Raoul Hausmann 1886–1971
John Heartfield 1891–1968
Hannah Höch 1889–1978
Richard Huelsenbeck 1892–1974
Georges Hugnet 1906–1974
Marcel Janco 1895–1984
Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven 1874–1927
Clément Pansaers 1885–1922
Francis Picabia 1879–1953
Man Ray 1890–1976
Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes 1884–1974
Hans Richter 1888– 1976
Juliette Roche Gleizes 1884–1980
Kurt Schwitters 1887–1948
Walter Serner 1889–1942
Philippe Soupault 1897–1990
Tristan Tzara 1896–1963
Beatrice Wood 1893–1998
Julia Kristeva: Readings of Exile and Estrangement 1996
Georg Simmel 1858–1918
Diophantus 200–294
Arithmetica (13 volumes - 6 extant)
François Viète 1540 – 1603
Algebraic symbols
Lejeune Dirichlet 1805 – 1859
Richard Dedekind 1831 – 1916
Bernhard Riemann 1826 – 1866
New Maths
Rosi Braidotti 1954–
Nomadic Subjects 2011
Ernst Mach 1838–1916
Luitzen E. J. Brouwer 1881–1966
Intuitionism / Math as mental construct
David Hilbert 1862–1943
Formalist / Math as objective truth
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 1919
Law of Excluded Middle
Logical Positivism
The Question Concerning Technology... 1977
Russell's Pardox
Causa Materialis
Causa Formalis
Causa Finalis
Causa Efficiens
Henri Lefebvre 1901 – 1991
The Production of Space 1974
Edward Soja 1940–2015
mystical marxism
First Wave Feminism Japan
Hiratsuka Raichō 1886 – 1971
元始、女性は太陽であった 1972
Na Hye-sok 1896–1948
Takamure Itsue 1894–1964
Kathleen Uno 1951–
Contemporary Feminist Japan Studies
Anne Walthall
Hitomi Tonomura
(Ed) Women and Networks in Nineteenth Century Japan (Michigan Monograph in Japanese Studies) 2020
Gender and Sexuality in Premodern Japan 2007
Questioning Patrilineality: On Western Studies of the Japanese Ie 1999
James George Frazer 1854–1941
The Golden Bough 1890
Northrop Frye 1912–1991
Comparative mythology
Kashmir Shaivism
Living Currency
Dieter Daniels 1957–
Media Art
Nigel Thrift 1949–
Seeing like a City 2016
Richard Sennett 1943–
D. Shelton A. Gunaratne 1940 – 2019
Non western mass communications
Feminist Materialisms
Neo Socratic
Communicative Rationality
Erin Manning 1969–
Thomas Nagel 1937-
What is it like to be a bat? 1974
Wilfred Bion 1897–1979
Paul Cezanne 1839–1906
Norbert Elias 1897–1990
The Civilising Process 1939 trans. 1969
Ernst Cassirer 1874–1945
Cezanne's Doubt 1945
Friedrich Hölderlin 1770–1843
Clifford Geertz 1926–2006
click to edit
Naoki Sakai 1946–
Xiaomei Chen 1954–
Translation and Subjectivity 1997
John Ruskin 1819–1900
William Morris 1834 –1896
Bernard Stiegler 1952–2020
Félix Guattari 1930–1992