



Vendor Fail Rates

Offline Hours

Trends & reasons by country (which fail rates are top for each)

Consistently low



Consistently high

Vendor Monitor

Vendor Score / CRC


Restaurant Portal

Things to consider


Like rider score – find pain points for different countries and incorporate into vendor score

Countries resistant to implement as it increases offline hours, which impacts growth. COVID helped push out VM, however have high OH now which is a huge pain point



Local Commercial

Regional Commercial


Reduce / Maintain low fail rates

Offline Reason Definitions [RANKING TBD - depends on dashboard]

Vendor Offline Themselves

Increase in OH impacts growth; commercial does not like high OH

Relationship to Fail Rate

indirect KPI of sorts: low offline hour >> helps implement monitor >> keeps our fail rate down


One of JJ's top 3 priorities for 2020

Have to keep VM rolled out at 100%, because countries are pushing back due to increased offline hours (countries are more incentivized by this than fail rate).


Frank: POC

PM: Azucena (previously Alex)


Unreachable Offlining

Varied unreachable period thresholds for countries before they are offlined

Long-term aim is to bring this down. Countries have pushed-back, hence we compromised by increasing the thresholds

Key Definitions of Vendor Fails (ranked by APAC levels)

Product OOS Feature


Reduce "Product Unavailable" fail rate


Reduce cancellations i.e. fails

Vendor Back End

High Fails

VENDOR UNREACHABLE: if the order was sent by fp but didnt arrive on the tablet because of connectivity issues

VENDOR NOT RESPONDING: 'Restaurant cannot be reached via phone to accept an order after it goes to 53'. After 5 minutes, goes to 53. OPT will call the vendor to accept the order or cancel. We send the order to the vendor device, and give some time for the order to be accepted, (e.g. 10 minutes), after which the order will fail

Low Fails (~0.0%)

WRONG MENU: Order contains item from an old/outdated/unavailable menu. E.g. item from a lunch menu at dinner time.

PRODUCT UNAVAILABLE: single or multiple items unavailable

Medium Fails

TOO BUSY: Restaurant too busy to process this specific order

TECHNICAL PROBLEM: Restaurant cannot process the order because of technical issues, e.g. with the tablet. Can occur before and after accepting the order (status 42).

(PU ONLY) DELAY CUSTOMER LEFT: Pick-up only - customer arrived at the restaurant on time but left again, because the restaurant took too long to prepare the pick-up order

(VD ONLY) WEATHER PROBLEM: restaurant cannot deliver because of the weather situation

(VD ONLY) NO DELIVERY TO THAT ADDRESS: restaurant cannot deliver because the customer address is outside of the delivery area of the restaurant

(VD ONLY) DELIVERY RIDER UNAVAILABLE: restaurant cannot deliver because has no riders available.

(VD ONLY) INCOMPLETE ADDRESS: restaurant could not find customer'`s address.

(VD ONLY) UNABLE TO FIND CUSTOMER: restaurant could not find the customer.

(VD ONLY) RIDER ACCIDENT: Restaurant rider had an accident.

VENDOR CLOSED: not busy, but out of operating hours

DEAL PROBLEMS: Restaurant does not wish to work with us any more and wants to be taken offline.

OTHER: Outdated - not used in backend dropdown: But can still be send by legacy vendor devices (Vendor app, printer, POS)

Monitor Offlining

Contact Center


VENDOR DEVICE: Closed hours due to vendors setting themselves as temporarily offline on device

ORDER DECLINED: Closed hours due to order cancellations by vendor

DEVICE OFFLINE: Closed hours due to vendor device not being properly connected or logged in

VENDOR COMPLIANCE: Closed hours due to compliance by vendor

VENDOR COURIER DELAY: Closed hours due to vendor delaying couriers

OTHER: Closed hours due to other Vendor Monitor actions

CC Special Day: Closed hours due to CC agents setting vendors as special days

CC Temporarily Closed: Closed hours due to CC agents setting vendors as temporarily closed

UNKNOWN: Closed Hours due to unknown sources


CANCELLATIONS DASHBOARD: All countries, distribution of fail rate by reason

[has errors - being fixed] LOGISTICS WEEKLY KPIS: Overall vendor fail rate, by country WoW


[superseded] LOGISTICS WEEKLY KPIS: Vendor offline %, by country, WoW

Source of truth - does not match with logistics KPI tableau, or tableau below

Unreachable Hours

Definition: defined as when vendors device fail to provide a ping to the RPS heartbeat service (Monitor) for 3 consecutive minutes


Context: aim is to reduce unreachable hours to avoid vendor unreachable fails

Trends by Country

[superseded??] Offline Hours %: by vertical, day, country

Zombie Vendors: 0 orders


VENDOR WEEKLY PERFORMANCE: vendors with 0 successful orders in last week

[superseded] COMMERCIAL VENDOR PERFORMANCE: % vendor fails + % closed hours

DATA STUDIO - OFFLINE HOURS VS FAIL RATES: by country, daily, vendor fails vs overall fail


% UNREACHABLE DURATION AND % OFFLINE DURATION: %, hours, number of events, number of vendors. by day, country.

% UNREACHABLE DURATION AND % OFFLINE DURATION: %, hours, number of events, number of vendors. by day, country.