Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
Etiology it is considered a developmental cyst, located in the nasopalatine canal. It arises from epithelial remnants of the embryo logic structure of the Nasopalatine ducks, and the structure connects the oral and nasal cavities in the area of the incisive canal, probably because the infection or some stimulation.
Transmission Not applicable
Characteristics Resizing extent of the cyst determine any extra oral characteristics such as swelling and elevation of external surfaces around the nose and lip areas. The patient may complain of pain, tenderness, and swelling, and drainage maybe noted in the maxillary incisors region. Radio graphically it is seam between the maxillary central incisors. The lesion as well circumscribed and radio Lucent, which may have a sclerotic border. When drainage occurs with this sis the patient may complain of a foul, salty taste. The patient may also experience pain, discomfort, and burning.
Dental Implications The cyst is not radio graphically diagnostic and must be removed and biopsied for definitive microscopic evaluation.
Treatment Complete surgical removal is needed.
Prognosis Good and recurrence rate is low with complete removal.
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