Within the film 'The Hate You Give' there are many instances where the director has used specific camera angles to highlight that the use of phones, news and other media platforms, can be detrimental yet so helpful. One scene in particular at 1 hour and 10 minutes, the director uses a wide shot to show both the injustice but also the use of the phones, as we see Starr and other diners pull out there phone quickly to film the injustice. When Starr pulls out her phone, the officer says "put that down now" and Starr replies with "I have a right to record this", during this scene the camera pans across all of the people, who also have their phone out recording the ordeal, this can indicate that they will all peacefully fight for what is right, until it has been done. By using the wide shot, we can clearly see the emotion, distress and intention of each person, as each witness grabs their phone to record, we see there fear as they realise thee is nothing more they can do in this time, this is the diners guest's only power within this situation to project the unfair treatment of Maverick in this moment, by the police officers. this technique highlights yet another struggle faced day in day out by the African American people, and proving that one of their only ways to combat these issues is with the use of technology.