AB Mariner Meninggal terimpit grab

grab berada di dek kiri dan harus dipindah

AB meminta operator memindahkan grab ke kanan

Operator tidak melihat AB

Kondisi malam hari dan cahaya terbatas

Operator tak punya radio komunikasi, AB menggunakan senter memberi untuk menarik perhatian dari jauh

Cahaya senter menghalangi pandangan operator dari dalam kabin crane

Grab tidak stabil saat diangkat

Grab rest dalam posisi tertutup dan duduk miring karena hanya satu sisi cengkram, sementara wire tidak lurus antara ujung jib dengan center grab

Operator kemungkinan teralihkan menggunakan handphone

AB berada dalam radius operasi crane

Coverall AB tanpa reflective

No risk assessment was conducted before the job was carried out. The crew were not familiar with the crane operating procedures. Despite receiving aforecast of deteriorating weather, the ship's crew proceeded with the crane operation, ignoring the hazard.No precautions were taken to avoid the hook swinging as a result of the ship rolling and pitching in the heavy swell. The crane operator's cabin structure failed to provide sufficient protection to the operator inside.There were no specific instructions in the safety management system other than that the chief officer was to supervise the work on deck.What can we learn?The importance of the risk assessment prior to work commencing.All crane operations should be closely monitored. Crane operations should not be allowed during heavy weather. Crane operations should be covered in the ship's safety management system.
Internal audits of all company ships should be carried out to ensure full compliance with the safety management system on the safe operation of cranes. Crane operating crew need to be fully briefed and familiar with operating limitations.The structure of a crane operator's cabin should be sufficiently reinforced or protected

Operator tidak waspada akibat pergerakan tidak stabil grab

Safety precautions in operation area

Familiarities sts operation

keinginan untuk menunjukkan cara kerja ke awak baru

Operator kemungkinan mengalami kelelahan, hilang konsentrasi dan teralihkan

operator bllm beristirahat sejak subuh

Belum terdapat pengawasan waktu istirahat pekerja TKBM

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informasi posisi istirahat grab tidak diteruskan dari foreman ke operator derek

pergantian regu jaga tan[a hand over

Ketika diangkat dalam posisi miring, maka grab tidak stabil dan mengayun menyentuh railing dan memantul ke arah AB

Meskipun pengalaman operator dinilai cukup