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Term 3 Cardboard Arcade - Mahi Tahi - Coggle Diagram
Term 3 Cardboard Arcade - Mahi Tahi
6 simple tools - levers/fulcrum, pulleys, inclined plane, wedge, wheel and axle and screws
gears, springs, rubber bands
pinball machines - LEDs/resistors/circuits
Use of microbits and motors - ferris wheels, roller coaster
Science - Forces and Motion
Maths - measurement, 3D shapes, Volume of 3D shapes
Tynkercad - volume of 3D shapes
Art - advertising posters, Design/decoration of arcade machines, ticket/token design
Simple Machine
Changes in design over time
Red Mistake - David Resource
WTE - Expansion/Precision/Sentences/Quickwrite
Wks 1-2 Collecting, grouping and organising ideas. Expansion. Adding precision e.g. Weaving Tukutuku panels
Persuasive language
Advertising their game
Ringmaster - calling people to their game
Learning: How one of the 6 simple machines works
Find real life examples
Flip grid
How their arcade game works
Connect tasks to the learning progression. Sequence of tasks related to the learning progressions. Include Sentence train practice. Where appropriate, connect tasks to a text e.g. compare characters. At other times, have generic tasks that could connect to any text e.g. antonyms/synonyms
Separate Reading and Writing projects
Writing project specifically for Level 1
Number Operations
translation, transformation, reflection, rotation
Volume, mass and capacity
Fractions, decimals and percentages. Proportions and Ratios
arcade money - students have to bring money to access the tool
build volume of 3D shapes e.g. packing shperes into a cuboid
Computational thinking - giving directions on a map - basic facts, matching equivalent fractions/decimals
PE Gymnastics
3-4 weeks of learning skills on the different piece of equipemnt
Develop routines - stay at 1 station for the whole session and develop a routine as a group
Te Reo
positional language/directions/commands
numbers and maths language - basic facts, 21
classroom objects
Family tree
Key Competencies
problem solving - STEAM/Maths/Gymnastics
Relating to Others
Work in teams with people they don't ususally work with. Taking on different roles when working in a group. Know when to compete and co-operate. STEAM/Maths/Gymnastics
Managing Self
Complete tasks within time given - Literacy/STEAM/Gymnastics
Using Language symbols and texts
Advertising/Design of money and tickets/explanations. Using technical language for STEAM and Maths
Participating and Contributing
collaboration/sharing ideas - STEAM/Gymnastics