Grade 10 Science

Unit 4- Optics

Unit 3- Climate Change

Unit 2- Biology

Unit 1- Chemistry

Tips & Resources



Tips & Resources


Tips & Resources


Tips & Resources







Chemistry is the study of matter. Students will learn about Bohr- Rutherford diagrams and how to make them along with Lewis dot diagrams. They will also become familiar with the periodic table too. As they make they'll way through this unit students will learn about different compounds and reactions and they'll also learn how to balance equations. Further more they'll learn how to transform compounds back and forth from chemical name and chemical formulas and how to change equations from word equations to chemical equations.

Students can also use different resources to help them succeeds in this unit. The poly-atomic ions sheet is one resource that can help students another resource that can help students in this unit is the periodic table. The text book is another resource students are encouraged to use too.

Tips Students can use to improve or get better in this class include asking your teacher questions, attending extra help and participating in optional work to better understand and learn different chemistry topics.

Biology is the study of life. You will learn about the 10 biological levels, The cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ system, Organism, population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome and biosphere. Students will also become familiar with the cell structure of an animal cell and a plant cell. As the students work there way through the unit they will learn about the cell cycle and mitosis, in association with the cell cycle students will also learn about cancer, the causes and some treatments. Finally students will also learn about different organ systems like the circulatory, digestive and respiration system and the functions and structure of there specific cells.

Students can also use different resources to help them succeeds in this unit. The amoeba sisters are a great resource students can go to if they are having trouble understanding a topic. The text book is another resource students are always encouraged to use too.

Tips Students can use to improve or get better in this class include asking your teacher questions, attending extra help and participating in optional work to better understand and learn different biology topics.



Climate change is all about the environment, global warming and climate change. Students will learn key terminology, causes of climate change, human causes of climate change, and all about greenhouse gasses too. the students will also get to learn the impact climate change has and they will be able to find evidence too.

Optics is the study of light. students will learn about what light is, what color light is and the production of light. students will also learn about reflection in plane and curved mirrors as well as refraction in curved lens. finally student will have the experience to dissect a cow eye to learn about the different parts of the eye, there function and how an eye works.





Organism: All the organ systems together

Electron: A particle with a negative charge

Infrared radiation: The energy created by the energy the earth absorbs from the sun.

Tips Students can use to improve or get better in this class include asking your teacher questions, attending extra help and participating in optional work to better understand and learn different climate change topics.

Students can also use different resources to help them succeeds in this unit.The text book is resource students are encouraged to use too as well as other websites and videos.

Students can also use different resources to help them succeeds in this unit.The text book is resource students are encouraged to use too as well as other websites and videos including gizmos.

Tips Students can use to improve or get better in this class include asking your teacher questions, attending extra help and participating in optional work to better understand and learn different optics topics.

Proton: A particle with a positive charge

Neutron: A particle with no charge

Valence shell: The outer most shell of an element

Poly atomic ion: An ion composed of more than 1 atom

Physical change: a change that doesn't produce a new substance, but may alter the apperence

Chemical change: A change that produces one or more new substances

Ion: an atom with a charge

Cation: an ion with a positive charge

Anion: an ion with a negative charge

Period: A horizontal row on the periodic table

Row: A vertical row on the periodic table

Cancer: Cell division gone wrong

Mitosis: Part of the cell cycle when one parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells made up of 4 phases

Cell cycle:The series of event a cell undergoes to become 2 daughter cells

Organ system: Multiple organs working together

Organ: Tissue makes up an organ

Tissue: Cells working together for a combine function

Cell: Most basic living level, makes up all of life

Anthropogenic: Human cause source f greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases: Gas in the troposphere that absorbs infrared radiation and heats up the atmosphere

Climate change: Shifts in world wide weather phenomena associated with an increase in global average teperature

Climate: The average weather in a region over a long period of time

Weather: The atmosphere conditions in a articular location over a short period of time

Retina: Light sensitive lining at the back of the eye where light focuses on once it enters through the pupil

Rods: See black, white and gray shades, they help see the shape and form

Refraction:The changing of direction when when passing from one medium to another

Iris: The colored bit of the eye that controls the size of the pupil

Convex lens: Also known as a converging lens converges rays of light that are parallel to the principal axis (thick in the middle thinner towards the edges)

Pupil: Light enters through the pupil and it contracts depending on how much light there is

Concave lens: Also known as a diverging lens and it spreads out light rays that have been refracted through it (curves inward)

Hyperopia & Myopia: Hyperopia is the difficulty seeing objects when they are too close and Myopia is the difficulty to see far objects

Cones: Sensitive to Red, Blue and Green together can see color


