Human relationships are important to a ones personal development. The parent is one of the closest individual to the child, and they educate so that the child can develop to the point where they can live on their own. A plants growth is effected by the environment such as the soil, water, and sunlight. This also applies to a human, in this case the parent and the community. Scout may have been a normal girl just like the others in maycomb if her father was not Atticus. No human can live without a community, we all need a social networks of a functioning community, just like our society. Every human being interact with others in order to live .Human development is a predictable process that moves through the stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. A humans personality highly depends on the events and environment of the individual during their infancy and childhood. We can say that a ones development depends on the human relationships when they are still a child. This is because an adults mindset is developed to the point where it is harder to change there personality than a child. Many psychological studies show that most adults become more agreeable, conscientious and emotionally resilient as they age. This is because the individuals develop through the years of interacting with others, and slowly understand the individuals out in the society who are different from themselves. Scout Finch is still a child, but her father Atticus raised her so that she is able to comprehend and understand about her community. Scout learns many things from the other characters within the book. She learns to read and write from Atticcus and his newspapers, she learns about the treatments of the African Americans in the society from the black locals. Scout may have been a normal child if she was born in a different family in a place far away from maycomb. She could have had a different life where racism is not a reality, but just a story in a newspaper. However, her relationships with those who she met in the story is something that is important to the one individual nicknamed Scout. Her life could have been better if she never met those people, but the relationships are important because Scouts personality would have not been developed without them.